Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bernie, be more like Trump

Andy Schmookler likes Bernie Sanders.
But he wants Bernie to be more aggressive now.
Kinda like Donald Trump.
You don’t have to be president yet to start the process, because the powers required for leading a political revolution are not those granted the presidency by the Constitution. The “bully pulpit” is not in the Constitution. But, as Donald Trump has demonstrated, a presidential candidate can have a pulpit that’s bully enough to change the national conversation.Your job is to find the rhetorical strategy -- appropriate for your values and your political goals – to accomplish that.
The question for Bernie fans is - can he meet your expectations?
He talks a big fight - but can he do anything with it?
He's had chances in debates with Hillary Clinton - but backed away from the attacks any normal politicians would jump on.
He excites his fans - but will they be left unfulfilled again?

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