Sunday, July 21, 2024


Everything that's been written about Election 2024 - throw it out.
No Biden running now.
It looks like Harris takes the Democrats' top spot but we have four weeks to be completely sure.
Plenty of nice things being said about Biden now.
But you don't trash the deceased at the viewing or gravesite.
Buckle up.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Immunity Day

A few minutes until the final Supreme Court rulings of the year.
How much immunity will they give President Trump?
Just enough.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Farewell to a furry friend

Shortly after I started this blog, we picked up a Yorkshire Terrier puppy we named Laila.
Her journey ended tonight after 15 and a half years. 
I found this new take on Henry Gross' song Shannon from the spring of 1976.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Joe Biden is too old

Posting has been sparse on the blog.
What's something that will stay newsworthy until the next post?
Saying Joe Biden is too old to be president.
And it's scary that Democrats won't notice.
Maybe they also suffer from early onset dementia.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Glenn Youngkin and Jerry Seinfeld

VCU students walked out on Governor Youngkin's speech Saturday.
Duke students walked out on Jerry Seinfield's speech Sunday.
Before this weekend, did you think those two were on the same team?

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Biden staffers for Trump

Democrats are releasing videos with Mitt Romney, Mike Pence and Chris Christie says how they won't vote for Donald Trump.
Do they think Republicans and Independents will listen to those voices?
More likely, it will bring voters to Trump.
Thanks, team Biden-Harris.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Are you better off now than you were five years ago

It's officially Trump vs. Biden, the rematch.
Team Biden will try to tell you things are better under his watch.
Of course, life is better than COVID year 2020.
But what about 2019?
Are we back to where we were then?
If not, why not?
That's the question Biden needs to answer.
Now taunt progress from the bottom of the COVID pit.
But where we were before it happened.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Can 12 people decide the presidential election?

Now that the Supreme Court has said Colorado (and other states) can't keep Donald Trump off the ballot, Democrats turn to the pending trials.
Will Trump get convicted of a felony before election day?
Today's message is - no.
A jury trial between now and election day will potentially change the result.
Thus 12 jurors would disenfranchise millions of Americans.
So it won't happen.
No matter how much Democrats want it.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Hail to the returning chief

At the beginning of the day, there was a chance Donald Trump would be kept off the ballot in Colorado - and maybe other states.
At the end of the day, he's on a glide path to victory over Joe Biden.
Biden was basically declared senile by the special prosecutor.
Then he attempted to spin it as being cleared.
Before fighting with the press corps on a brief availability.
The Democrats pinned their hopes on Biden in 2020. Now, they are finding the cost of that decision.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

I've seen worse

It's taken a few days to get over the Ravens' loss to Kansas City.
Taylor Swift instead of Lamar Jackson in Las Vegas in two weeks.
But I'm old enough to remember other losses - some worse than this week's.
Like the 1969 Orioles losing in the first baseball season I followed. I went to my first game at Memorial Stadium on June 28, 1969 and watched them lose the World Series - while the world celebrated the Amazin Mets.
The Colts left Baltimore bereft of NFL football until Art Modell brought his team to town.
I work at the University of Virginia. Hearing 2018 and UMBC still hurt.
Unfortunately, every sports season ends with one winner and multiple teams preparing for next year.
Winning a championship is sweet - but joy is fleeting.
Enjoy the game - even if your team is not on the sideline.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Undefeated teams watch

The Eagles and Bucs are about to kickoff in the lone Week 3 meeting between 2-0 teams.
Only Miami and San Francisco have reached 3-0. 
Tonight's game might be the last matchup between undefeated teams in 2023.
The 1972 Miami Dolphins are watching.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Better call Saul

New Mexico's governor has to be in court this afternoon, defending her call to suspend gun carry laws for 30 days.
But she needs a lawyer.
Does she have Saul's number? He has experience in her city.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Show me the infrastructure

Blue Virginia's love affairs with electric cars seems to rely more on projections and hope than the desires of the motoring public.
He doubts the coming rules on auto sales are "bans."
But if 95% of the public buys gas-powered engines this year and the new rule only allows 65% in 2026, isn't that a ban on buying the type of car you want?
If the state goal has been met, no gas-powered engine for you.
Sounds like a ban to me.
The argument of the benefits of electric vehicles ignores the infrastructure issue - what good is a car if there's no place to charge?
If you run out of power before your destination?
If governments were serious about a transition to electric cars, they'd be building charge stations at government buildings and rest areas on the interstate where they would be needed.
Selling lots of cars doesn't help if they can't be used as the motoring public has come to expect.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Winning matters

Blue Virginia likes a Richmond Times-Dispatch editorial, but not sure they make the argument they think they've made.
The editorial thinks Governor Youngkin's "Parents Matter" agenda is not supported by the majority.
But he won election in 2021 with that agenda.
Does the editorial writer think the voters didn't really know what they're voting for?
The editorial mentions the Terry McAuliffe quote that Blue Virginia ignores.
“I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision. … I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
That was the majority maker.
That's how Youngkin's agenda can succeed.
There are more parents than teachers.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Blind Guides

The Other McCain tries to understand Michael Oher's motivation in suing the people who helped him during his teenage years.
We can only speculate on Michael Oher’s motives in turning against the Tuohy family like this. If I had to guess, I’d imagine Oher’s experiencing some financial difficulty in his post-NFL life, and listened to some of his “friends” telling him he had been unfairly exploited. The explanation from the film producer makes that seem unlikely, and this sad chapter in Oher’s life is an unfortunate turn in what had been an inspiring story.
Oher's gone from "The Blind Side" to following "Blind Guides."

Sunday, August 13, 2023

We must conserve liberal errors?

There's an interesting post on Blue Virginia today, calling out current Republicans for not being conservative like Republicans of the past.
The Supreme Court isn't conservative because it overturned Roe v. Wade
Ron DeSantis isn't conservative because he doesn't allow Disney to push a woke agenda without consequences.
And how can the family friendly support Trump?
The answers are obvious.
Democrats are worse.
Being conservative doesn't mean letting liberal changes be locked into place.
It means returning to the right way before liberals messed things up.
I know it's a hard concept for liberals to understand.
If you don't think current Republicans are following the historic conservative model, being conservative doesn't mean conserving liberal mistakes.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Should I stay or should I go now

Posting has been very light on this blog recently.
I figured I'd better put something up before July ends in a few hours.
The blog has been around almost 15 years.
There's new things to catch my attention.
The news has gotten boring - when offends you about Donald Trump today?
The links from the past are stale, and many bloggers I enjoyed in 2009 are no longer out there - or sadly departed.
But the best part about being on blogger - I'm not paying to keep the site alive.
I can review my past posts and remember the interactions.
So I'll stick around.
Maybe someone will offer me a lot of money - if it happens to Hunter Biden, it can happen to me.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Read before you opine

My favorite column about the Supreme Court's halting the Biden college loan scheme comes from Vox.
It's a lengthy rant about how Congress really intended a program that could waive past college loans.
It follows the path of the legislation and the update done in 2007.
Was the column's thesis correct?
Let's ask the Speaker of the House in 2007 - Nancy Pelosi. Chief Justice John Roberts remembered what she said about the program.
"As then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi explained: ‘People think that the President of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not,’" Roberts quoted Pelosi’s July 28, 2021, press conference. "‘He can postpone. He can delay. But he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.’"
If only the columnist had checked the opinion before sending the column to be published.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Waiting for the cheating to start

Today's Supreme Court decision on affirmative action brought both sides together - neither trusts the other.
Those who support the decision expect colleges and universities to find ways to cheat.
Opponents accuse the other side of bad faith - they don't really care about Asian students.
One thing for sure - lawyers will be making money.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Wisdom of Gerald Ford

The past week has proven the wisdom of President Gerald Ford giving former President Nixon a pardon in September 1974.
The country didn't need to relive Watergate for more months. It was time to move on.
President Trump could have faded away as new blood entered the Republican nomination process for 2024. Instead, the Biden administration and its lust to punish Trump poured gas on the fire.
Republicans who want to talk new issues and the country's problems have to defend Trump from his out-of-control opponents.
Democrats are doing a great job destroying the country - thinking they are protecting it from Trump.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Can Philly match DeSantis?

A bridge on I-95 in Philadelphia collapsed Sunday morning due to a fire.
How long will it take to fix?
Ron DeSantis knows how to fix important bridges fast.
Will Philly be able to match his speed?

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Trump: in the Republican-verse

Friday's big movie opening is the latest Spider-verse entry.
There's several different Spider creatures from several alternate universes.
Meanwhile, Republicans are dealing with our current Trump universe.
No matter how many alternate universes there are, we're not in the universe where Donald Trump is universally loved and popular.
He's more like Kingpin.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The debt ceiling debate in three lines

Democrats - you have to pay what's been previously approved. 
Republicans - we want to spend less this year. 
Democrats - you can't do that.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

True things prevail

Powerline brings today's update on Tucker Carlson from the Daily Mail and Tucker himself.
We're one day closer to what's next for Tucker - and us.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The spines of thousands are being strengthened

Legal Insurrection lists the many times Tucker Carlson highlighted causes close to his heart.
He did something few other hosts do – he gave voice to the voiceless, to people suffering under the weight of local left-wing pressure, including several parents and teachers we brought forward on the Legal Insurrection website. While appearing on any of the major Fox News shows was good exposure, appearing on Tucker was a launching pad to national stardom.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Who gets first Tucker interview?

The news of Tucker Carlson's departure is seven hours old.
Moving on, who gets to interview Tucker first after the departure?
Does Tucker do it himself from his studio?
While he had Daily Caller under development in 2009, there was NTC (Not Tucker Carlson) news. As a supporter of that now defunct website, can I get the first interview?
Maybe The Other McCain, the instigator of that website?

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Spaceman Spiff was not available for comment

In the discussions about transgender kids under age of 18, proponents say you should listen to the child.
Did they ever read Calvin and Hobbes?
Sorry, but his parents didn't listen to the child when he imagined he was zooming through the universe.
They tried to bring him down to earth.