Monday, October 26, 2009

Let's blame T-Mac

Enough blaming Creigh Deeds for his poor showing in the polls. Let's put the blame where it really belongs. Terry McAuliffe.
Why? He's the all-purpose villian. The carpetbagger. His entrance into the Democratic primary upset the plans Deeds and Brian Moran obviously had for the race.
Without McAuliffe, Moran would have been a better candidate. It would have been hard to have been worse.
Moran could have stayed in the House of Delegates instead of thinking he had to match McAuliffe's fundraising. He could have focused on legislating through February, with three months to talk about the gubernatorial nod.
In a two-man race, Deeds could not hang back. His primary strategy of letting the other two beat up on each other doesn't translate to the two-man race he's in. Deeds didn't really have to say who he was in the primary, just who he wasn't.
Then the Washington Post endorsement fell his way. And like the dog chasing the car, what does he do when he catches it?
And how about Democrat attempts to win back the house? Back during the primaries, the thought of McAuliffe's fundraising prowess and connections brought the idea Democrats could do it. Doesn't look likely now, and how much money has T-Mac's connections delivered to Virginia?
I'm looking forward to the many post-mortems from Democrats after the election is over. Hope some take out their frustration on McAuliffe.

1 comment:

smitty1e said...

Meh. Hang Deeds for his own actions. Or inactions. If the policies were good, the competition shouldn't matter, no?