Thursday, October 29, 2009

What to do? Enjoy the show

Chris at Bearing Drift is adrift. What do we do on a final weekend when the Republicans are polling so well?
Now it is our Democrat friends who are staring down the wrong end of a Rasmussen daily tracker and hoping for a last minute act of God or YouTube to change the course of the election. Likewise, it is the long-suffering Republicans of Virginia who are desperately trying to stifle their elation until the night of November 3rd, when they can finally let go of eight years of frustration and missed opportunities.
It's just going to be interesting to see how the Democratic side handles this. They thought they had the tide going their way. The state's changing demographics meant wins in the future, and the Republicans would have to change or be left behind.
Now, that meme is messed up. It's now just an Election Day loss, but perhaps a loss of confidence. Definitely a loss of momentum.
We know they will they kick Creigh Deeds, but how hard?
Will Blue Virginia have to redo his sidebar bio to reflect a Republican sweep?
Left of the Hill tries to defend President Obama by writing George W. Bush didn't get Jerry Kilgore a win. Comparing Obama to Bush, that's not where Democrats want to be.
I can't wait for Nov. 4. Not because of the election results, but to see what anger spouts out of the losing side.

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