Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bracket buster

With President Obama promising not to increase taxes for those making $250,000, people who make around that number are thinking about the consequences. That led Jonathan Chait to writer on the New Republic's blog to write about "Wealthy Idiots Meet Idiot Reporter" (with a tasteful picture from 'Dumb and Dumber,' just in case you don't get his point.)

Among the problems unveiled by this report.
1. You have medical personnel thinking about their tax status and whether to cut back their hours due to increased taxation. If, as Democrats, you want to increase access to healthcare, making health care providers think about cutting back their work hours doesn't seem to be the way to go.
2. I don't want to see the health care provider who is working to satisfy the government's need. From the original article-
"The motivation for a lot of people like me — dentists, entrepreneurs, lawyers — is that the more you work the more money you make," said [Dr. Sharon] Poczatek. "But if I'm going to be working just to give it back to the government — it's de-motivating and demoralizing."

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