Saturday, October 30, 2010

Almost president, Sarah Palin

In honor of Sarah Palin's trip to suburban Poca Saturday, a take on one of West Virginia's favorite songs. Apologies to John Denver.

Almost President, Sarah Palin
From the mountains to the Kanawha River
Voters think here, hate the deficit,
read the Constitution, watch the Democrats flee

Tea Party, on the road
to the place, we belong
big White House, beat Obama
Tea Party, on the road

All the voters gather 'round her
No finer lady, strange still to blue voters
Dark and dusty, liberal charges fly
She offers Reagan's sunshine, makes Pelosi cry

Tea Party, on the road
to the place we belong
big White House, beat Obama
Tea Party, on the road

We hear her voice, from the podium she calls us
Internet reminds me the Tea Party's here to stay
Listening to her talk I just can't wait to go cast my vote on Tuesday, Tuesday

Tea Party, on the road
to the place we belong
big White House, beat Obama
Tea Party, on the road
Win the vote, now Tea Party
Win the vote, now Tea Party

And a video of the inspiration

UPDATE: Part of Don Surber's Monday scoreboard.

1 comment:

DEO said...

$arah PAYlin ALMOST finished her term as governor.