Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What's the motivation?

Looking at Bob McDonnell's thesis and the coverage so far, I'd like to ask the question - what's the motivation for those attending Regent University (or Pat Robertson's college for those who like that terminology).
Is the motivation -
1. They want to control people.
2. They want help people to know the greatness of God that we know.
You can't say your political opponents want to help people - hurts making your case - so Democrats focus on control as the motivation.
Just like Republicans are focusing on the control issue about cap-and-trade and health care reform.
There's separation of church and state, and we respect that. We don't just say "God said it, I believe it and that settles it." We try to work within the system, but believe our views produce the best way to live lives.
Remember why the Religious Right jumped into the political fray. In the 1970s, they worried about being overwhelmed by the political tide after decades of concentrating on the spiritual side of life.
Politics and religion can be a tricky mix. People of faith see their views as the best way to live, even if you don't agree.

1 comment:

smitty1e said...

No, the real point I was getting at here is that the media are this worried about a gubernatorial candidate and intellectually constipated on BHO.