Sunday, March 11, 2012

There he goes again

Tuesday, Republican voters in Mississippi and Alabma will be considering the issues and who will be best to lead the country.
Meanwhile, President Obama will be watching basketball in Ohio and thinking about his tournament picks.
It's good for the president to have his relaxation and share his love of sports with the country.
But in making these televised picks - of both the men's and women's fields - shows he's spending too much time watching basketball.
And not enough working on the issues that matter.
To do a decent job of picking a bracket, you've got to watch more than last weekend's games. You could just pick teams that were good in the past or teams you like, but to do well you need to have a feel for who's hot now, who's got injuries and who matches up poorly against lower seeds they face.
Republican voters can spend time with the issues.
Why must President Obama play around with the sports flotsam?

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