Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lead, follow or get out of the way

Bull Elephant has a good post on what 's going on Rep. Cantor's district.
A friend remarked to me after Cobb’s defeat that what made this possible was the unique vitality of various Tea Party groups within the 7th District. I responded, “Do you think that’s a coincidence?” In fact, it is not, but is instead a direct consequence of the way Rep. Cantor and his supporters have consistently circled the wagons around the Congressman to ensure as much control of the local politics surrounding him as possible. Where in other districts, like the 1st District where I live, Tea Party and libertarian newcomers have been welcomed into the GOP tent, in the 7th they have consistently been made to feel unwelcome inside the GOP.
The Republican party isn't your private party.
The battle for the heart and soul of the party continues, and those who's been leading need to follow the voice of the people.
Or get out of the way.

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