Sunday, October 9, 2011

Spread the college endowment wealth

What's a major cause of complaints at Occupy Wall Street?
College debt.
Where's a big pool of money that could be used to help these people?
College endowments.
Who manages college endowments and makes money off their money?
Banks and investment firms.
If the OWS people want to hurt the banks, then all the colleges should liquidate their endowment funds.
Why save money for the future when people are hurting now?
Use the endowment money to cut current college tuitions.
Or give rebates to those who didn't find the jobs they wanted.
Cash out those endowment funds.
Stop hoarding it.
I'm sure college professors could get behind that.
When you're done, then we can talk about tax hikes or other possible solutions.
When you're done.

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