Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nov. 5 - end for #OWS?

Instapundit has a series of posts on #OccupyWallStreet, with the lead wondering about the exit strategy.
It's going to get cold soon.
You've made a public relations point, so what's next?
Perhaps the deadline is less than two weeks ago.
Nov. 5 is the last Saturday of Daylight Saving Time.
It's Guy Fawkes Day, and it's link to V for Vendetta provides a favorite mask at the protests.
Could that be the last big day of the protests?
After a month and a half, what else can they do in their present form.
Besides, the coverage as winter looms will be too much to handle.
I'm not looking forward to the sad media coverage if the camp lasts to Thanksgiving Day.
Would the protesters put up a Christmas tree? Or would they fight over it?

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