Monday, September 28, 2015

Feel the Carson momentum

Angry voter Roger L. Simon has good things to say about Ben Carson.
Now wise friends of mine still tell me that the former pediatric neurosurgeon cannot be president, even though he has done such pioneering things in the operating room and even though he is arguably the most extraordinary individual to run for president since Lincoln and Washington.  And I understand what they’re saying.  It would be something very different.  But those same people were telling me that Trump could not be president months ago, until Trump showed he had staying power in the polls.  We don’t know anything anymore.  But what is clear is that Ben Carson is formidable.  I would suggest that in this instance (as in many instances actually) the quiet man may emerge to be stronger than the loud man.  Maybe he already he is.
And here’s something else for Republican voters to think about.  Wouldn’t a Carson-Rubio ticket, or vice-versa, someone from the inside and someone from the outside, do more to destroy the despicable identity politics the Democratic Party has been exploiting to everyone’s detriment for generations than just about anything you could think of?  It would upend all the reactionary nonsense Obama has stood for on symbolism alone. Worth pondering, no?

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