Thursday, April 3, 2014

Show me the campaign cash

Volokh looks at why Democrats want to limit money in politics.
It’s therefore not all that surprising that when the Supreme Court decided Buckley v. Valeo in 1976, affirming some limits on campaign contributions to avoid corruption, but holding that political donations receive substantial First Amendment protection, the opinion was written by liberal stalwart William Brennan, and was thought too weak by the ACLU.
Since then, opposition to First Amendment protection of campaign donations has become a significant “cause” on the liberal left.  It’s not hard to see why: the legacy mainstream media, Hollywood, academia, publishing, the legal profession, the mainline churches, and the arts, i.e., almost all of the leading opinion-making areas of American life, are dominated by liberals (though conservatives dominate talk radio, evangelical churches, and have Fox News).  The one place where the playing field is more or less level is in campaign spending.  Limit campaign spending, and left-leaning opinion-makers utterly dominate American political discourse.
We have a right to speak - and we're going to use it.

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