Monday, July 15, 2013

Forgotten backstory

The Other McCain got Rush's attention with the story of Trayvon Martin's problems at his Miami Gardens high school.
It's the reason he was in George Zimmerman's neighborhood that fateful night.
The reason Trayvon was in Sanford, Florida, more than 240 miles north of his home in Miami-Dade County, was that he had been suspended from school, and was staying in a townhouse community known as The Retreat at Twin Lakes. Trayvon was staying there with Brandy Green, who was dating Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, which brings us to another story the media doesn’t want to report.
Trayvon Martin comes from what used to be called “a broken home,” back in the days when most Americans got married and stayed married, so that kids had a Mom and a Dad and brothers and sisters — y’know, what we used to call a “family” once upon a time — instead of a kaleidoscopic arrangement of stepparents and half-siblings, Baby Daddies and Mama’s New Boyfriend and so forth. Call me old-fashioned, if you will, but I tend to think it might be relevant when we learn that a Troubled Youth comes from a Broken Home.

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