Monday, June 16, 2014

Easy choice

Many Americans have made the easy choice about buying Hillary Clinton's book "Hard Choices."
According to this source, a Simon & Schuster insider, "They sold 60,000 hard covers first week and 24,000 ebooks." The publishing house was "hoping and praying for 150,000 print first week."
"The 60k represents a less than 10% sell thru based on what they shipped," says the source. 
It's been reported that one million copies of Clinton's book were shipped weeks before the June 10 publication date. "They will be lucky to sell 150,000 total lifetime," the source writes in the email.
What will they do with all the leftovers?

1 comment:

Mike aka Proof said...

Gosh! The majority of the American public will not buy a memoir from one of America's greatest fiction writers!

"At this point, who really cares?" rates right up there with, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"