Monday, August 26, 2024

Our party-switchers are great. Not yours

It's weird to find back-to-back stories on Blue Virginia Monday - one praising Republicans who plan to vote for Harris and the next attacking Tulsi Gabbard for endorsing Trump.
Our political landscape is changing. Democrats can't depend on people staying on their side forever. Neither can Republicans.
Democrats seem more intent on insulting people when they leave.
The new converts should realize how quickly they will be ignored once the election is over.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

DNC convention agenda

They will talk about things the past four years that voters don't like.
And talk about things they want to do going forward - without explaining why they weren't done last four years.
Good luck with that.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

How about restrain Big Government?

Democrats have lots of big enemies.
Big Pharma.
Big Oil
Big Meat-packers.
Anyone they want to blame for price increases.
Except for the big group responsible for most of the problems.
Big Government.
Only because Democrats have a Big Blindspot.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Trump already won

How quickly the narrative turned once Joe Biden threw in the towel on the 2024 campaign for re-election.
It's like he disappeared from view.
Now the narrative attempts to say Trump is going down.
He completed the task he set out to accomplish - deny Joe Biden a second term.
Maybe too quickly, but Biden's time is up.
The team that ousted Biden needs to figure out the way to return to the White House after this unexpected change of opponent.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Saw this and liked it.
They put Gov. Walz on ticket to help with rural white men.
The people who won't be impressed by a guy who left his unit when they shipped off to Iraq.
And claimed a higher rank when he didn't meet the qualifications.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Not so swift Walz

Democrats promoted Tim Walz's National Guard service in his introduction Tuesday.
But it appears he left his unit instead of going to Iraq in 2005.
Remember when Republicans brought out Swift Boat veterans who didn't like John Kerry in 2004?
I bet this year's Trump campaign leaders do.
Since Chris LaCivita was media advisor for the Swift Boat operation.
I think we'll see plenty of Walz's former unit members in the next few months - hanging out with Donald Trump.