Thursday, February 5, 2009

Get the lead out

Sneaking up next week is a law to protect kids ages 12 and under from products with lead. Sounds good, keeping the kids safe. Mainly if you are a lawyer.
Have you heard about the law? I hadn't until I started cruising the internet.
How do you prove toys, clothing or other items are safe. Test each item.
Does it cover just new items or used, second-hand stuff? Covers everything.
Who's going to pay for the testing? You are, with higher prices.
What if you're accused of selling something with too much lead? The lawyers get paid.
Good thing my oldest will be 12 soon and we have plenty of stuff to hand down.
Forbes had the roundup last month. Congress saw a problem - lead in toys from China - wrote a law and created another, probably bigger problem.
Congress is as Congress does.

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