Saturday, December 11, 2010

Obama's "Killer Rabbit" moment

Instapundit links reactions to President Obama's "I'd like to stay, but I must be going" moment at Friday's press conference.
Is this his "Killer Rabbit" moment? Just as Jimmy Carter fending off the rabbit capped a feeling of incompetence in his administration, Obama's departure shows his struggles. Possibly the point when the weirdness of his behavior finally tips the scales away from a chance of being a respectable president.
If he can't get Bill Clinton away from a podium, can his solve any problems out there? If he'd rather be at a party when answering the hard questions, maybe we'll look to people who will fight the hard questions.
As the days go by, looks like Obama won't even reach Carter's standard as president.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Imight have gone a bit overboard