Saturday, May 21, 2016

Limping to the finish

I once visited the North Carolina island where "Weekend at Bernie's" was filmed.
So I loved the headline for Maureen Dowd's latest column.
I doubt the Clinton team enjoyed it.
I’ve talked to several former Clinton and Obama White House aides who don’t enjoy checking in with the joyless Clinton campaign in Brooklyn. “It’s the Bataan Death March,” one says.
Hopeful acceptance of Hillary has shifted to amazed disbelief that she can’t put away Bernie. Given dynasty fatigue and Hillary’s age, many Democrats assumed that their front-runner would come out of the gate with a vision for the future that gave her campaign a fresh hue, instead of white papers tinkering around the edges. She should have been far over her husband’s bridge to the 21st century and way down the highway by now.

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