Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finally, Mystery Judge Runs Away

Tax day is done, but the energy still moves through the blogosphere. Time to check the roundups.
Smitty liked my headline idea for this week's roundup. And DaTech Guy is still posting his files.
Wyblog extends his roundup.
Carol marches through her linkbacks.
Daley Gator worked up the energy to crank out his roundup.
Pat deals with relatives and roundups.
The Classic Liberal lets fly with the links.
Reaganite Republican keeps up with Tea Party news.
Mind Numbed Robot finds some scary extremists.
Pundette caught the action in D.C.
Naked Villiany enjoys his bread.
Dan Riehl looks at Perot vs. Tea.
Troglopundit stays on the right side.
Grandpa John finds some weird signs.
Camp of the Saints looks for some good advice.
Carl is on the road again.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hang out with friends, offer thanks and remember you can't spell eat without AT.


robot said...

Howdy! Thanks for the link!

Bob Belvedere said...

You honor me again...thank you, FM.