Thursday, July 9, 2009

Where's my flying car?

Visiting southern West Virginia makes me think of the movie Back to the Future 2. Where's my flying car?
It's only six years from 2015, when the movie was set. Imagine highways in the sky. Sure, the traffic was tough at night and in the rain, but think of the problems they would solve.
We wouldn't have to worry about bridge and road funding. Just put up floating signs and soar over the crumbling infrastructure.
I visited a local grocery store and the costs are higher than interstate-hugging Fishersville. Why? Transportation costs through the mountains. Flying cars and trucks would cut those costs tremendously. You could buy healthier food at cheaper prices. (Fast food costs the same in mountain towns as Fishersville, btw).
West Virginia would be the go-to destination if you had flying cars. No more winding roads and slow trips to get through the state. You'd fly right to the mountaintop house. The eastern part of the state is close enough to D.C. that those ridges would fill up fast.
You want some real progress and green jobs for your stimulus dollars? Flying cars are the answer. What are you waiting on, GM and Chrysler?

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