Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama monologues

I watched Conan O'Brian's Twilight show for the first time Thursday. Not impressive.
He started with a Sarah Palin joke. Then a Nancy Pelosi joke. Then an economy joke.
Time to say something funny about President Obama? Nah. Joke about the housewife show on cable.
Then mention the nuclear treaty. And say the Russian leader's name is too long. (Medevdev should just be Medev.) Then it's off to popular culture.
It is that hard to joke about the President? Nothing funny about him at all today? I'll take a shot.

"Did you hear about the nuclear treaty signed in Russia this week. Both countries plan to give up one-third of their weapons. We're giving up the best and they're giving up the duds. You know, the ones with CCCP still on them.
"The President is in the land of the czars. So he took a few of his government czars with him on the trip.
"What's he have, like 3,000 czars? He took the toilet paper czar to make sure the roll was hung correctly. There's a smile czar to make sure all the people in the background are smiling. And a happy czar to keep the White House press corps happy.
"And there's 20 czars who hang around Joe Biden all day long. They form a circle around him and make sure he doesn't get to a microphone.
"Biden's like 'Hey guys, can I talk to that camera crew?' And they say 'Nyet, Nyet, Nyet.'

See, it's not that hard. Try it and you might get some laughs.

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