Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bring out Occam's Razor

Mark Steyn cuts to the chase - Sarah Palin's too normal to be a national politician.
When everybody's got a list of 10 or more reasons why you're resigning (Kaus might get to 50), go with the simplest one. What does she have now she didn't in 2006? Trig and a grandson.
If reports from last fall are she hated campaigning without her family, maybe her family is the reason to give up politics. Simple. Cut and dried.
Something political creatures don't understand.

1 comment:

smitty1e said...

Where I disagree here is
a) She's such a strongly supported competitor, nationwide.
b) She could have explicitly disavowed Presidential ambition without punting the governorship, and finished the term.
c) You didn't mention money, another Occam-level factor. She's either not got enough (likely), or got sufficient support from upstream to make this feasible (less likely).