I saw this Josh Turner video today, and it's perfect for the coming weekend. Then I read he and his wife announced their second baby arrived on June 26. Light the firecrackers.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sarah, here to stay
The blogosphere is buzzing over the Sarah Palin piece in Vanity Fair.
Whether Sarah Palin runs for president or becomes president, I expect she'll remain a political force for the next 25 years. The people who love her see themselves in her. Attacks on Palin are attacks on them and their lifestyle.
Sort of like how many African-Americans see themselves in Barack Obama. Obama rode that wave to the White House, and that helps keep his popularity higher than the popularity of his proposals.
And unnamed McCain staffers who continue to cut Palin down need to realize their political future is worse off than hers. Give it up.
I'm rooting for Palin to become president. Just because I want to see TV reporters shivering outside the Wasilla White House at vacation time.
Whether Sarah Palin runs for president or becomes president, I expect she'll remain a political force for the next 25 years. The people who love her see themselves in her. Attacks on Palin are attacks on them and their lifestyle.
Sort of like how many African-Americans see themselves in Barack Obama. Obama rode that wave to the White House, and that helps keep his popularity higher than the popularity of his proposals.
And unnamed McCain staffers who continue to cut Palin down need to realize their political future is worse off than hers. Give it up.
I'm rooting for Palin to become president. Just because I want to see TV reporters shivering outside the Wasilla White House at vacation time.
Brooks makes sense
David Brooks studies the Democrats' ram it down your throat style of the past six months. Watch out when it gets barfed back up.
He closes with
When the executive branch is dominant you often get coherent proposals that may not pass. When Congress is dominant, as now, you get politically viable mishmashes that don’t necessarily make sense.
He closes with
When the executive branch is dominant you often get coherent proposals that may not pass. When Congress is dominant, as now, you get politically viable mishmashes that don’t necessarily make sense.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Bad driver of the day
The Dallas fox affliate has the lowdown on today's high speed chase that caught Shepard Smith's attention.
I wonder if there's a blog dedicated to TV coverage of high speed chases? With quick mapquest coverage of the area where the suspect and police are going through? Could be a winner.
You watch so you can see the stupid way it ends. Today, it was trying to squeeze through four lanes of stopped traffic at a red light. And you get T-boned when an innocent civilian's truck. And the police come up to your battered car where you're trapped.
I wonder if there's a blog dedicated to TV coverage of high speed chases? With quick mapquest coverage of the area where the suspect and police are going through? Could be a winner.
You watch so you can see the stupid way it ends. Today, it was trying to squeeze through four lanes of stopped traffic at a red light. And you get T-boned when an innocent civilian's truck. And the police come up to your battered car where you're trapped.
He just put that on the internet
The Other McCain has an interesting essay on gay culture and feminism, riffing off why people hate Sarah Palin and young Trig Palin with such vitrol. He makes several statements and says, "Yeah, I just wrote that. And put it on the Internet."
For some reason, he doesn't use the disclaimer for this.
Given the choice between being Oprah and Sarah Palin, then, most young women would rather be like Sarah -- and not merely because Todd is such a tasty hunk of prime beef.
He's a dude, not a piece of meat.
For some reason, he doesn't use the disclaimer for this.
Given the choice between being Oprah and Sarah Palin, then, most young women would rather be like Sarah -- and not merely because Todd is such a tasty hunk of prime beef.
He's a dude, not a piece of meat.
What's the carbon footprint?
Fox News Channel opened its 3 p.m. newscast with a car chase in Dallas.
It kept on going. The suspect vehicle, police cars, TV helicopters.
When he's finally stopped, will he also be charged with wasting gasoline and endangering the environment?
Gotta keep speeding, don't wanna go to green jail.
It kept on going. The suspect vehicle, police cars, TV helicopters.
When he's finally stopped, will he also be charged with wasting gasoline and endangering the environment?
Gotta keep speeding, don't wanna go to green jail.
Questions for Sotomayor
The overturning of the Ricci case gives Senators some good questions to ask Sonia Sotomayor at her confirmation hearings.
Do you think the five Justices who voted to overturn her decision will have something to say if she joins their court? Will they trust her judgement on future cases when they didn't in this one? If not, she'll be on the losing side a lot more.
Do you think the five Justices who voted to overturn her decision will have something to say if she joins their court? Will they trust her judgement on future cases when they didn't in this one? If not, she'll be on the losing side a lot more.
Steyn to the rescue
How convenient, when Blue Virginia decides to post about health care, that Mark Steyn hits the corner with the latest baby news from Canada.
1. Baby goes bye-bye. A baby is born premature in Hamilton. But there's no room in the preemie ward, either in Hamilton or nearby Ontario hospitals. So the baby gets shipped to Buffalo.
It gets better. The parents don't have a passport, so they can't follow their baby.
2. Do-it-yourself birthing. At 5 a.m. in a Montreal hospital, the woman's water breaks and the contractions keep coming. They push the button for help, but the baby arrives before the nurse does.
Debunk these, bunky.
1. Baby goes bye-bye. A baby is born premature in Hamilton. But there's no room in the preemie ward, either in Hamilton or nearby Ontario hospitals. So the baby gets shipped to Buffalo.
It gets better. The parents don't have a passport, so they can't follow their baby.
2. Do-it-yourself birthing. At 5 a.m. in a Montreal hospital, the woman's water breaks and the contractions keep coming. They push the button for help, but the baby arrives before the nurse does.
Debunk these, bunky.
Movin' on up
Since joining blognetnews and learning to follow the rules, my blog has received more hits than the prior month each month since February.
I'm going in the right direction, so I asked these guys to express my thanks to the readers.
I'm going in the right direction, so I asked these guys to express my thanks to the readers.
Set a spell
Troglopundit focuses a post on little ol' me - how some call me Fisherville Mike instead of Fishersville Mike. As long as the links work and you call me for dinner, I have no problem with a little typo.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Leaky argument
Blue Virginia highlights a column about Canadian health care. So that's supposed to settle it?
Hate to rain on your parade, but you still have Mark Steyn's leaky Canadians to deal with. As they say in the Outlaw Josey Wales, "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." Especially at 3 a.m., when you're getting up for the seventh of 12 times.
The fun of the debate is both sides have their examples. The Canadian plan helps these people. The current plan works best for these people.
The health care debate boils down to, does making life better for 50 million make it much worse for 250 million?
Are the costs for health care higher in America because we're:
1. paying a greedy and inefficient system or
2. carrying the rest of the world on our backs.
Do we innovate, spend money testing new medicines, so other countries don't have to? If we reduce our spending on R&D, are they DOA?
By the way, how does the ratio of doctors/population compare in the U.S. and Canada? I'd like to know that, since that probably constrains care more than any government could.
Hate to rain on your parade, but you still have Mark Steyn's leaky Canadians to deal with. As they say in the Outlaw Josey Wales, "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." Especially at 3 a.m., when you're getting up for the seventh of 12 times.
The fun of the debate is both sides have their examples. The Canadian plan helps these people. The current plan works best for these people.
The health care debate boils down to, does making life better for 50 million make it much worse for 250 million?
Are the costs for health care higher in America because we're:
1. paying a greedy and inefficient system or
2. carrying the rest of the world on our backs.
Do we innovate, spend money testing new medicines, so other countries don't have to? If we reduce our spending on R&D, are they DOA?
By the way, how does the ratio of doctors/population compare in the U.S. and Canada? I'd like to know that, since that probably constrains care more than any government could.
Your Sanford analysis
The State newspaper does a thorough job describing how the Mark Sanford affair exploded in the news Wednesday.
Weird Al on Michael
Michael Jackson sure helped Weird Al's career, with his parodies of Beat It and Bad. From Even Worse, here's Fat.
Weird Al Yankovic - Fat (Official Music Video) - Watch more funny videos here
Weird Al Yankovic - Fat (Official Music Video) - Watch more funny videos here
Well deserved honor
Bill Archer at the Bluefield Daily Telegraph reports on additions to the West Virginia Broadcasting Hall of Fame. Ray Brooks, who was Sheriff Snoop on WHIS-TV from 1956-76, has been named to the latest class.
Brooks' box seat at the Bluefield Orioles games was right in front of the press box. He passed away two years ago, but his family will get to enjoy the honor.
Brooks' box seat at the Bluefield Orioles games was right in front of the press box. He passed away two years ago, but his family will get to enjoy the honor.
Fishersville Mike's Just Right Attitude
Set the roundup for Sunday morning, like I like. Here we go.
Carol at Nosheepleshes likes getting the early start on the roundup. And she reveals that John Kerry's best buddy is Snidley Whiplash.
Jules Crittenden takes his whacks at Senator Ketchup also. Since Jules is in Boston, he's got a closer look at the mess.
Meanwhile, Don Surber is hanging out with kittens. Can't be causing any trouble with all these cute kittens on your blog.
The Other McCain did such a good job discussing his father's determined persistence that I don't have the heart to tell him - Father's Day was last weekend. It's worth the read, along with his reporting on the Inspectors General firings.
And you can't forget Smitty's FMJRA roundup and Rule 5 Sunday fix. Paco has his Rule 5 entry ready to go Saturday.
TrackACrat includes both a picture of Megan Fox and a warning about Transformers 2 - ignore it like she ignored this guy.
Donald Douglas has had a powerful week at AmericanPower, including the interesting news about the Atlanta tea party. And the best gathering of links to conservative blogs.
Pat in Shreveport adds her roundup, focused on the cap and trade antics. The Daley Gator is a no RINO zone, if they know what's good for them. But if they knew stuff, they wouldn't be RINOs.
Thinking about Rule 5 Sunday got Daley Gator in a better mood.
Will Troglopundit keep doing weekend roundup? He left me dangling.
KURU lounge says hello from Washington state.
Remember, when you've had enough of politics and news, check out a movie like SWACgirl did. Or go camping like YankeePhil.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Only a few more days until the next set of tea parties.
Carol at Nosheepleshes likes getting the early start on the roundup. And she reveals that John Kerry's best buddy is Snidley Whiplash.
Jules Crittenden takes his whacks at Senator Ketchup also. Since Jules is in Boston, he's got a closer look at the mess.
Meanwhile, Don Surber is hanging out with kittens. Can't be causing any trouble with all these cute kittens on your blog.
The Other McCain did such a good job discussing his father's determined persistence that I don't have the heart to tell him - Father's Day was last weekend. It's worth the read, along with his reporting on the Inspectors General firings.
And you can't forget Smitty's FMJRA roundup and Rule 5 Sunday fix. Paco has his Rule 5 entry ready to go Saturday.
TrackACrat includes both a picture of Megan Fox and a warning about Transformers 2 - ignore it like she ignored this guy.
Donald Douglas has had a powerful week at AmericanPower, including the interesting news about the Atlanta tea party. And the best gathering of links to conservative blogs.
Pat in Shreveport adds her roundup, focused on the cap and trade antics. The Daley Gator is a no RINO zone, if they know what's good for them. But if they knew stuff, they wouldn't be RINOs.
Thinking about Rule 5 Sunday got Daley Gator in a better mood.
Will Troglopundit keep doing weekend roundup? He left me dangling.
KURU lounge says hello from Washington state.
Remember, when you've had enough of politics and news, check out a movie like SWACgirl did. Or go camping like YankeePhil.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Only a few more days until the next set of tea parties.
Eight dull knives
Eight House Republicans voted for Friday's climate change/cap-and-trade/unfinished bill. What were they thinking?
You can tell what plenty in the blogosphere are thinking. And Carol puts it in graphic form.
You can tell what plenty in the blogosphere are thinking. And Carol puts it in graphic form.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Poor timing department
The latest issue of Rolling Stone arrived in the mail today. It includes the story "Michael Jackson's Troubled Comeback."
With the last paragraph starting, "What most people agree on: This is Jackson's last shot."
He didn't make it to the last shot.
With the last paragraph starting, "What most people agree on: This is Jackson's last shot."
He didn't make it to the last shot.
Send Congress back to Schoolhouse Rock
"Bill" sure has grown since the 1970s.
The cap and trade bill was not totally stitched together when voted upon Friday night. For those who've watched Frankenstein, you know that doesn't end good.
Especially if the brain came from "Abby Normal."
The cap and trade bill was not totally stitched together when voted upon Friday night. For those who've watched Frankenstein, you know that doesn't end good.
Especially if the brain came from "Abby Normal."
'Creeps and misfits'
Mark Steyn connects the dots between Michael Jackson and Mark Sanford.
"Why are politicians so weird?" a reader asked me after the Sanford news conference. But the majority of people willing to live like this will be, almost by definition, deeply weird. So big government more or less guarantees rule by creeps and misfits.
"Why are politicians so weird?" a reader asked me after the Sanford news conference. But the majority of people willing to live like this will be, almost by definition, deeply weird. So big government more or less guarantees rule by creeps and misfits.
Thinking about Michael Jackson's taxes?
The Taxprof has a brief roundup. Settling it will be anything but brief.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sing it, Martina
Michael Jackson stamp
It may take a few years, but you know we'll get a Michael Jackson stamp issued by the U.S. Post Office.
With Elvis, you had the choice of young Elvis or Vegas Elvis. What will the Michael Jackson choices be?
1. Jackson 5 young Michael
2. Thriller Michael
3. Michael wearing a mask
4. Michael dangling a baby off the balcony.
With Elvis, you had the choice of young Elvis or Vegas Elvis. What will the Michael Jackson choices be?
1. Jackson 5 young Michael
2. Thriller Michael
3. Michael wearing a mask
4. Michael dangling a baby off the balcony.
A real thriller
For news that's going to impact your life into the future, check out the Other McCain's reporting on the firing of three Inspectors General.
Besides, how long can you watch crowd shots of people waiting for a short snippet of press release.
Besides, how long can you watch crowd shots of people waiting for a short snippet of press release.
Weekend Watchdog
It's the last weekend to enjoy your interleague play for the season. So we've got the big matchups - Yankees at Mets, Cubs at White Sox, L.A. Angels at ...Arizona. Well, it's hard to balance schedules when the West and Central divisions have different number of teams.
Locally, the MASN crews get a workout as the Orioles and Nationals are at the same park. One crew's feed goes out on MASN HD, and the other is delegated to MASN2.
You can get your Yankees and Mets on MLB Network Saturday night or ESPN Sunday night. The Cubs and White Sox and Angels-Diamondbacks join the Red Sox and Braves as the choices for Fox's Saturday afternoon coverage. TBS has the Red Sox and Braves Sunday afternoon.
South Africa is getting ready for World Cup 2010, and - big surprise - the United States reached the final of the warmup tournament - the Confederation Cup. The final Sunday matches the U.S. and Brazil on ESPN.
Wimbledon closes the first week of its fortnight on ESPN2 and NBC. Before the "Breakfast at Wimbledon" finals next weekend, ESPN2 shows live coverage starting Friday at 7 a.m. and Saturday at 8 a.m.
If you didn't get enough thinking about the future with Thursday's NBA draft, then you can watch the NHL draft Friday on Versus. These picks are more likely headed to the ECHL, AHL or back to their Canadian junior leagues, but you can dream of the impact they'll have down the road.
South Carolina's good news story of the week - Lucas Glover - plays in the Travelers tournament this weekend. After winning the U.S. Open and all the attention that draws, see how he does on CBS.
Locally, the MASN crews get a workout as the Orioles and Nationals are at the same park. One crew's feed goes out on MASN HD, and the other is delegated to MASN2.
You can get your Yankees and Mets on MLB Network Saturday night or ESPN Sunday night. The Cubs and White Sox and Angels-Diamondbacks join the Red Sox and Braves as the choices for Fox's Saturday afternoon coverage. TBS has the Red Sox and Braves Sunday afternoon.
South Africa is getting ready for World Cup 2010, and - big surprise - the United States reached the final of the warmup tournament - the Confederation Cup. The final Sunday matches the U.S. and Brazil on ESPN.
Wimbledon closes the first week of its fortnight on ESPN2 and NBC. Before the "Breakfast at Wimbledon" finals next weekend, ESPN2 shows live coverage starting Friday at 7 a.m. and Saturday at 8 a.m.
If you didn't get enough thinking about the future with Thursday's NBA draft, then you can watch the NHL draft Friday on Versus. These picks are more likely headed to the ECHL, AHL or back to their Canadian junior leagues, but you can dream of the impact they'll have down the road.
South Carolina's good news story of the week - Lucas Glover - plays in the Travelers tournament this weekend. After winning the U.S. Open and all the attention that draws, see how he does on CBS.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The news cycle
Don't want to see this
Drudge Report has a link to a "Final Photo" of Michael Jackson.
Will someone try a repeat of the famous last photo of Elvis?
Will someone try a repeat of the famous last photo of Elvis?
Shoulda listened to Josh
The Mark Sanford affair keeps me thinking about South Carolina. How about Josh Turner, a proud Hannah-Pamplico High School Red Raider (a district foe of the Pleasant Hill Blue Devils in the mid-80s).
Sanford would have done well to listen and learn from Turner's first video.
Sanford would have done well to listen and learn from Turner's first video.
Simple Simon
Atlanta held one of the biggest tea parties on April 15, but the one planned for July 4th is in jeopardy. Donald Douglas and Instapundit are on the case.
And someone using a simon.com web address had unusual interest in the Atlanta tea party organizers and their website.
People interested in protesting taxes could wear shirts for the cause at the Peachtree Road race that morning. That might get some attention.
And someone using a simon.com web address had unusual interest in the Atlanta tea party organizers and their website.
People interested in protesting taxes could wear shirts for the cause at the Peachtree Road race that morning. That might get some attention.
Good news from South Carolina
I'd rather think about the good South Carolina story of earlier this week - Lucas Glover winning the U.S. Open. The Greenville News has some photos of his career, from his early days and state high school championships.
Health care reform explained
Under consideration for health care reform is mandating everyone buy health insurance. So the young and healthy who don't think they need insurance when they're young will have to pay.
In preparation, the government should double the price of Ipods, IPhones and music downloads. The extra money should be given to their grandparents to fix up old record players from attics or basements. They can then buy music by Frank Sinatra or whoever they liked when they were young.
Take from the young and give to the old. Isn't that the government way?
In preparation, the government should double the price of Ipods, IPhones and music downloads. The extra money should be given to their grandparents to fix up old record players from attics or basements. They can then buy music by Frank Sinatra or whoever they liked when they were young.
Take from the young and give to the old. Isn't that the government way?
Obama fumbles around in the tank
Not so rave reviews of the Obama health care discussion. ABC tries its best to prove it's not in the tank with this opening paragraph.
President Obama struggled to explain today whether his health care reform proposals would force normal Americans to make sacrifices that wealthier, more powerful people -- like the president himself -- wouldn't face.
And the reviewers were not impressed.
h/t Drudge Report
President Obama struggled to explain today whether his health care reform proposals would force normal Americans to make sacrifices that wealthier, more powerful people -- like the president himself -- wouldn't face.
And the reviewers were not impressed.
h/t Drudge Report
Sanford roundup
Smitty does his usual good job collecting links from all around, this time about Sanford.
For the South Carolina angle, you can visit the State from the state capital, Charleston's Post and Courier or the Greenville News.
The State had a reporter in Atlanta, where Sanford's car was left. So their reporter tells of meeting him getting off the plane from Buenos Aires.
And here's a link to plenty of official political reactions.
For the South Carolina angle, you can visit the State from the state capital, Charleston's Post and Courier or the Greenville News.
The State had a reporter in Atlanta, where Sanford's car was left. So their reporter tells of meeting him getting off the plane from Buenos Aires.
And here's a link to plenty of official political reactions.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Maybe Sanford took one for the team
What are people taking about today?
Mark Sanford or ABC's Health Care fest at the White House.
Sanford took all the air out of the Health Care promo. That proposal keeps limping along instead of getting a boost.
And Haley Barbour gets to lead the Republican Governors' Association. He helped lead Republicans out of the wildness as RNC chair in 1994, and gets to have an important leadership post for the 2010 elections.
Mark Sanford or ABC's Health Care fest at the White House.
Sanford took all the air out of the Health Care promo. That proposal keeps limping along instead of getting a boost.
And Haley Barbour gets to lead the Republican Governors' Association. He helped lead Republicans out of the wildness as RNC chair in 1994, and gets to have an important leadership post for the 2010 elections.
Buenos Aires Connection
South Carolina's main seaport is Charleston. The Charleston Evening Post publishing company owned, for 39 years ending in 2007, the Buenos Aires Herald.
Thanks for Gov. Sanford, we'll be learning lots more about Buenos Aires in the next few days. I've already learned this from the State newspaper.
Trying to drive along the coast could frustrate a weekend visitor to Argentina. In Buenos Aires, the Avenida Costanera is the only coastal road, and it's less than two miles long. Reaching coastal resorts to the south requires a drive of nearly four hours on an inland highway with views of endless cattle ranches. To the north is a river delta of islands reached only by boat.
Better alibis next time, especially in the internet age.
Thanks for Gov. Sanford, we'll be learning lots more about Buenos Aires in the next few days. I've already learned this from the State newspaper.
Trying to drive along the coast could frustrate a weekend visitor to Argentina. In Buenos Aires, the Avenida Costanera is the only coastal road, and it's less than two miles long. Reaching coastal resorts to the south requires a drive of nearly four hours on an inland highway with views of endless cattle ranches. To the north is a river delta of islands reached only by boat.
Better alibis next time, especially in the internet age.
He should have stayed in Argentina
Bad press is what they got
Byron York has his latest on the firing of AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin.
The Other McCain is beating the heat and beating the bushes for more information on this case.
The board appeared not to want bad press in Sacramento. Now they're getting bad press in Washington.
The Other McCain is beating the heat and beating the bushes for more information on this case.
The board appeared not to want bad press in Sacramento. Now they're getting bad press in Washington.
"The Obama Show" panned
The Washington Post's Dana Milbank wasn't too happy being a prop in the studio audience of the President's press conference Tuesday.
Conservatives complain about the mainstream media being in the tank for Obama. But the media doesn't like being displayed in the tank, like a lobster ready to be plucked out for eating.
They have their pride, and probably noticed Jake Tapper and Major Garrett got to ask questions. If the tough questioners get called on and the regulars watch as softballs come from leftfield (Huffington Post), the regulars may decide it's time to ask those questions conservatives have been begging to see asked.
Conservatives complain about the mainstream media being in the tank for Obama. But the media doesn't like being displayed in the tank, like a lobster ready to be plucked out for eating.
They have their pride, and probably noticed Jake Tapper and Major Garrett got to ask questions. If the tough questioners get called on and the regulars watch as softballs come from leftfield (Huffington Post), the regulars may decide it's time to ask those questions conservatives have been begging to see asked.
What's Today's news
I thought I'd check out the top stories on Today at 7 a.m. After President Obama's tough words Tuesday (I said pretty please, not pretty please with sugar on top), maybe there was some reaction in Iran.
The top three stories were - heat in the Midwest, proposal pay increases at Citibank and Kate.
Sorry Iranians, you didn't make the top three. Maybe if the protesters held up signs about that infidel Jon, they'd get more coverage.
The top three stories were - heat in the Midwest, proposal pay increases at Citibank and Kate.
Sorry Iranians, you didn't make the top three. Maybe if the protesters held up signs about that infidel Jon, they'd get more coverage.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Greatest. Posts. Ever.
Donald Douglas at American Power and Jules Crittenden are dueling today, inspired by the invites to Iranian diplomats to U.S. Fourth of July parties around the world.
Crittenden has tons of patriotic hotness pictures, starting with Jessica Simpson in a stars and stripes bikini. (Rule 5, check).
Douglas started with the Simpson picture, but then adds the all-star blogger list to invite alongside your Iranian diplomats. (Rule 2 overload). I'm on the second row, just before Ann Althouse.
I think any Iranian diplomat meeting any of those bloggers at a Fourth of July celebration will leave with indigestion. Here's Speedy from the 1960s, when the Shah led Iran.
Crittenden has tons of patriotic hotness pictures, starting with Jessica Simpson in a stars and stripes bikini. (Rule 5, check).
Douglas started with the Simpson picture, but then adds the all-star blogger list to invite alongside your Iranian diplomats. (Rule 2 overload). I'm on the second row, just before Ann Althouse.
I think any Iranian diplomat meeting any of those bloggers at a Fourth of July celebration will leave with indigestion. Here's Speedy from the 1960s, when the Shah led Iran.
Women and Iran
Michael Ledeen posts his update on what's going on in Iran.
Point three - women are playing a key role in the insurrection.
Point three - women are playing a key role in the insurrection.
Your Obama update
The Other McCain has decided to live blog today's press conference by President Obama. I'll catch up later, after setting up my boy's lemonade stand.
My connection to Jon and Kate
It's over for them. But the show must go on. Sure.
Leafing through People magazine at the dentist on Monday, I found Kate and the kids vacationed on Bald Head Island, North Carolina recently. Quite a ways away from Pennsylvania. But close to where I used to live.
In the spring of 1987, my church decided to build a new sanctuary. We wanted the style of a coastal Carolina building from the 19th century, and heard of the new chapel on Bald Head Island.
The pastor and church board took the road trip and ferry boat over to Bald Head Island. It's a beautiful place, and we loved the chapel. We hired the same architects and in July 1988 our new sanctuary was finished.
btw, Weekend at Bernie's was filmed on Bald Head Island also. Like Jon and Kate, it's another story of trying to keep something alive to keep enjoying the good life.
Leafing through People magazine at the dentist on Monday, I found Kate and the kids vacationed on Bald Head Island, North Carolina recently. Quite a ways away from Pennsylvania. But close to where I used to live.
In the spring of 1987, my church decided to build a new sanctuary. We wanted the style of a coastal Carolina building from the 19th century, and heard of the new chapel on Bald Head Island.
The pastor and church board took the road trip and ferry boat over to Bald Head Island. It's a beautiful place, and we loved the chapel. We hired the same architects and in July 1988 our new sanctuary was finished.
btw, Weekend at Bernie's was filmed on Bald Head Island also. Like Jon and Kate, it's another story of trying to keep something alive to keep enjoying the good life.
Keeping cool in Arizona
Good thing for Drudge Report, or else I would have missed the good news out of Arizona.
Coolest June in 96 years? Fire up those coal plants to get things back to normal.
Coolest June in 96 years? Fire up those coal plants to get things back to normal.
Excitement in Staunton
The News Leader likes doing personality profiles on area residents.
It's good to read about our neighbors.
It's a tough job for the headline writer. But perfect for OpinionJournal's Best of the Web roundup.
It's good to read about our neighbors.
It's a tough job for the headline writer. But perfect for OpinionJournal's Best of the Web roundup.
Monday, June 22, 2009
I'm tougher than Don Surber
Don Surber, inspired by Instapundit, has a post full of kittens. Kittens to keep the government censors away. It's a great idea, and I'll go him one better. I'll post pictures of Mountain Lions. Concord University Mountain Lions. Aren't they tougher than kittens?


UPDATE: Don thought this post was the cats' meow.



UPDATE: Don thought this post was the cats' meow.
Cap and Trade and North to Alaska
One major thing bothers me about how "cap and trade" is going to save the environment. If it's going to work so well, why hasn't it been tried in the past?
The conservative case against proposed "cap and trade" legislation is it won't work as intended and it's going to cost lots more money. You can debate how much the cost will be, or if you think it's going to be negligible. But how much will it cost to transition to this new stuff?
If we could run our cars, trucks and industry on something other than gasoline, why aren't we doing it now? Is it a conspiracy, the powers-that-be quashing anything that would take away their power? Don't think so.
Whoever figures out how to mass-market cleaner, greener fuels will be richer than Bill Gates. There's tremendous incentives to go green, and the government has been clearing the road. The Wright Brothers figured out technology to invent the airplane with their brains alone, not helped by government grants.
I think back to the gold rushes of the 19th century. People dropped everything and risked their lives for a chance to get rich with a gold strike. They took wagons through the untamed West or boats around the tip of South America to get to California.
They traveled the Yukon trail and froze in Alaska. All for the chance to get rich. And here's an idea out there, that will make you insanely rich, if it would work.
Until that idea is found, let's dig for coal and drill offshore for oil and gas. It's hard to think of the next big idea while you're freezing in the dark, waiting for the sun to shine and wind to blow.
The conservative case against proposed "cap and trade" legislation is it won't work as intended and it's going to cost lots more money. You can debate how much the cost will be, or if you think it's going to be negligible. But how much will it cost to transition to this new stuff?
If we could run our cars, trucks and industry on something other than gasoline, why aren't we doing it now? Is it a conspiracy, the powers-that-be quashing anything that would take away their power? Don't think so.
Whoever figures out how to mass-market cleaner, greener fuels will be richer than Bill Gates. There's tremendous incentives to go green, and the government has been clearing the road. The Wright Brothers figured out technology to invent the airplane with their brains alone, not helped by government grants.
I think back to the gold rushes of the 19th century. People dropped everything and risked their lives for a chance to get rich with a gold strike. They took wagons through the untamed West or boats around the tip of South America to get to California.
They traveled the Yukon trail and froze in Alaska. All for the chance to get rich. And here's an idea out there, that will make you insanely rich, if it would work.
Until that idea is found, let's dig for coal and drill offshore for oil and gas. It's hard to think of the next big idea while you're freezing in the dark, waiting for the sun to shine and wind to blow.
Gas and don't go
Rich Lowry at National Review passes on part of a CNN interview from Monday. Here's the citizen's advice for the rest of the world.
More than 85% of Iran's gasoline is imported from foreign countries. I think international communities must sanction exporting gasoline to Iran and that might shut down the government.
More than 85% of Iran's gasoline is imported from foreign countries. I think international communities must sanction exporting gasoline to Iran and that might shut down the government.
Michaels on Iran
As Fishersville Mike, I have pride in the brilliance of other Michaels.
Like Michael Ledeen (I am typing faster, please.)
and Michael Rubin, who appeared on the Bill Bennett morning show Monday.
A good first name and great analysis.
Like Michael Ledeen (I am typing faster, please.)
and Michael Rubin, who appeared on the Bill Bennett morning show Monday.
A good first name and great analysis.
Steyn on the air
Mark Steyn fills in for Rush Limbaugh again Monday afternoon. Still doing the job Americans won't do.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Song of the day
Troglopundit links the Ultimate Ode to Barack and the Fly.
I may have to work on a new version of the Theme from Rocky - Killed a Fly now.
I may have to work on a new version of the Theme from Rocky - Killed a Fly now.
Send ABC to Iran
There's been lots of fuss over ABC's big plans to promote the Obama health care plan Wednesday. After a special edition of Wipeout, of course.
Maybe ABC's staff can do better good in Iran. With at least 24 reporters arrested in the past nine days, there's plenty to write about and help is needed.
Maybe ABC's staff can do better good in Iran. With at least 24 reporters arrested in the past nine days, there's plenty to write about and help is needed.
Cash for Clunkers?
I thought we already had a cash for clunkers program. Lobbyists giving money to Congressmen.
Hit and a miss
This weekend, the Miss Virginia competition will be held in Roanoke and broadcast throughout the state. Miss America 2008 will be hosting the show.
In light of the Carrie Prejean kerfuffle, beauty pageants should be adding a question to better prepare the ladies for the final competition.
It is -
If you find out Perez Hilton will be one of the judges, what is your reaction?
1. Gulp.
2. Run.
3. Think of answers that will make him happy.
4. Think of answers that will make him mad.
5. Who is Perez Hilton?
It would be a multiple choice question, but write-in answers are strongly encouraged.
In light of the Carrie Prejean kerfuffle, beauty pageants should be adding a question to better prepare the ladies for the final competition.
It is -
If you find out Perez Hilton will be one of the judges, what is your reaction?
1. Gulp.
2. Run.
3. Think of answers that will make him happy.
4. Think of answers that will make him mad.
5. Who is Perez Hilton?
It would be a multiple choice question, but write-in answers are strongly encouraged.
Not good enough
The restaurant critic for the Baltimore Sun had to give real dining advice Saturday. And failed.
A passer-by at the Inner Harbor happened to be looking for a McDonald's. And quite by chance asked the food critic. Who didn't know where one was.
Sure, she knew Five Guys - a good burger choice. She knew plenty of great restaurants around Baltimore. But people know McDonald's. They are comfortable with McDonald's. This person wanted McDonald's.
And they stumped a restaurant critic.
A passer-by at the Inner Harbor happened to be looking for a McDonald's. And quite by chance asked the food critic. Who didn't know where one was.
Sure, she knew Five Guys - a good burger choice. She knew plenty of great restaurants around Baltimore. But people know McDonald's. They are comfortable with McDonald's. This person wanted McDonald's.
And they stumped a restaurant critic.
Fishersville Mike Jousts Rowdy Alligators
It's Father's Day. Time to relax, watch some golf and review the best of the web this week.
First, why use "joust" in the FMJRA headline? Locally, there's jousting this weekend close to Fishersville. If you're not close enough to run down here, then there's another jousting competition in August.
It's a three-day weekend for roundups, with NoSheepleshere Knows Best and Skepticrats jumping the gun to get atop the review.
"Rowdy" stands for R.S. McCain. Rowdy is what the R stands for, right? Smitty has the roundup while the other McCain hangs out at Capitol Hill, tracking down stories.
"Alligators" tips a hat to the Daley Gator's Saturday roundup.
Shouldn't I wait to include the roundup from the Wisconsin-based Troglopundit? I could, but I'd rather use this clip from Weird Al's UHF.
UPDATE: I'll do another roundup when I can remember what day it is.
First, why use "joust" in the FMJRA headline? Locally, there's jousting this weekend close to Fishersville. If you're not close enough to run down here, then there's another jousting competition in August.
It's a three-day weekend for roundups, with NoSheepleshere Knows Best and Skepticrats jumping the gun to get atop the review.
"Rowdy" stands for R.S. McCain. Rowdy is what the R stands for, right? Smitty has the roundup while the other McCain hangs out at Capitol Hill, tracking down stories.
"Alligators" tips a hat to the Daley Gator's Saturday roundup.
Shouldn't I wait to include the roundup from the Wisconsin-based Troglopundit? I could, but I'd rather use this clip from Weird Al's UHF.
UPDATE: I'll do another roundup when I can remember what day it is.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
History lesson
Michael Barone crunches the numbers on FDR's first Congress, the only one in the 20th century where more than 50 percent were freshmen.
They were also athletes. FDR said jump and they jumped.
Imagine John Murtha or Nancy Pelosi jumping. Go ahead. I dare you.
They were also athletes. FDR said jump and they jumped.
Imagine John Murtha or Nancy Pelosi jumping. Go ahead. I dare you.
Friday, June 19, 2009
So close
The Atlantic Monthly's Recession Road trip passed by Fishersville but we didn't warrant a story. Hopefully they got a meal or some gas at our exit off I-64.
West Virginia got two stories, but didn't stop to talk with Don Surber. Poca is much more cool than Hurricane or Millsboro.
West Virginia got two stories, but didn't stop to talk with Don Surber. Poca is much more cool than Hurricane or Millsboro.
Family-friendly blog
Troglopundit put this on his blog, so I thought I'd see my rating.

You don't have to join the sponsor to get your rating.

You don't have to join the sponsor to get your rating.
Latest from Iran
Weekly Standard's blog catches you up on Friday morning's moves in Iran, and possible counter-moves.
Weekend reading
Hopefully you've already seen this, but Iowahawk hits it out of the park with this. Poor widowed fly.
Weekend watchdog for Father's Day weekend
It's Father's Day weekend. And Dad has plenty of good sports to enjoy on his day, after opening the card and present.
Tiger Woods is playing golf. What could be better. Maybe a duel with Phil Mickelson, who finished second to Woods in 2002 when the Open was last at Bethpage Black.
The US Open fills the weekend on NBC, even more after Thursday's rain drowned the course. Woods gave us a splendid effort in 2008, forcing an 18-hole playoff with Rocco Mediate and narrowly winning after an extra playoff hole. Then he had knee surgery and did not play the rest of the year. Quite a way to go out.
Mickelson had the memorable Open 10 years ago, losing to Payne Stewart while waiting to hear when his wife would give birth. This year, he's playing to win the trophy for his wife before she begins treatment for breast cancer.
NBC has coverage Friday at 3 p.m., followed by six hours of golf Saturday and a 1:30 p.m. start to coverage Sunday. Plan Dad's day accordingly.
NASCAR visits the road course at Sonoma, so the end of the race will be up against the end of the Open. Make sure Dad has plenty of batteries in the remote.
Father's Day baseball features the Boston matchup from the far past - Braves at Red Sox on TBS - and the Los Angeles matchup of Dodgers vs. Angels on ESPN at night.
The Orioles visit the Phillies on MASN, and the Nationals host the Blue Jays on MASN2 this weekend.
Saturday, most of the nation will see the Rays visit the Mets. The Cardinals and Royals or Brewers at Tigers go to the midwest.
College World Series has reached its final four. If LSU and Texas win Friday, they advance to the final best-of-three series starting Monday. If Arkansas or Arizona State win, then there's a game Saturday for the right to advance out of their bracket.
If you're into soccer, the MLS has a game on ESPN2 the next five weekends. San Jose hosts the LA Galaxy Saturday afternoon.
The NBA season is over, so it's time to think about next year. ESPN has draft coverage Thursday night.
cross-posted at weekendwatchdog.blogspot.com
Tiger Woods is playing golf. What could be better. Maybe a duel with Phil Mickelson, who finished second to Woods in 2002 when the Open was last at Bethpage Black.
The US Open fills the weekend on NBC, even more after Thursday's rain drowned the course. Woods gave us a splendid effort in 2008, forcing an 18-hole playoff with Rocco Mediate and narrowly winning after an extra playoff hole. Then he had knee surgery and did not play the rest of the year. Quite a way to go out.
Mickelson had the memorable Open 10 years ago, losing to Payne Stewart while waiting to hear when his wife would give birth. This year, he's playing to win the trophy for his wife before she begins treatment for breast cancer.
NBC has coverage Friday at 3 p.m., followed by six hours of golf Saturday and a 1:30 p.m. start to coverage Sunday. Plan Dad's day accordingly.
NASCAR visits the road course at Sonoma, so the end of the race will be up against the end of the Open. Make sure Dad has plenty of batteries in the remote.
Father's Day baseball features the Boston matchup from the far past - Braves at Red Sox on TBS - and the Los Angeles matchup of Dodgers vs. Angels on ESPN at night.
The Orioles visit the Phillies on MASN, and the Nationals host the Blue Jays on MASN2 this weekend.
Saturday, most of the nation will see the Rays visit the Mets. The Cardinals and Royals or Brewers at Tigers go to the midwest.
College World Series has reached its final four. If LSU and Texas win Friday, they advance to the final best-of-three series starting Monday. If Arkansas or Arizona State win, then there's a game Saturday for the right to advance out of their bracket.
If you're into soccer, the MLS has a game on ESPN2 the next five weekends. San Jose hosts the LA Galaxy Saturday afternoon.
The NBA season is over, so it's time to think about next year. ESPN has draft coverage Thursday night.
cross-posted at weekendwatchdog.blogspot.com
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Jon and Kate poem
Jon and Kate
put 'em in a crate
send them to Kuwait
with the other freight
They want to separate
plan to litigate
more problems they create
pray for the kids' fate
good thing Don Surber's keeping his eye out for the important news.
UPDATE: While walking the dog, I thought up another verse
Jon and Kate
having eight not great
too much on their plate
Why'd they procreate?
put 'em in a crate
send them to Kuwait
with the other freight
They want to separate
plan to litigate
more problems they create
pray for the kids' fate
good thing Don Surber's keeping his eye out for the important news.
UPDATE: While walking the dog, I thought up another verse
Jon and Kate
having eight not great
too much on their plate
Why'd they procreate?
Let the wind blow
Instapundit links a report about cheap rooftop wind turbines. Sounds interesting and challenging.
Where is RaisingMoran?
After reading the post-mortem on Brian Moran's campaign, I thought I'd look to see if raisingmoran.com had any final words. Nope. It's not there anymore.
Fortunately, blognetnews keeps its feed of what was posted. You can get a little glimpse of what they did, but the rest is lost to history.
RaisingMoran last made the top 20 in the Virginia influence index April 5. That week started my current streak in the top 20. Guess we were ships passing in the night.
Fortunately, blognetnews keeps its feed of what was posted. You can get a little glimpse of what they did, but the rest is lost to history.
RaisingMoran last made the top 20 in the Virginia influence index April 5. That week started my current streak in the top 20. Guess we were ships passing in the night.
One down, one to go
Blue Virginia has a nice lengthy post-mortem from the Moran folks about their primary loss.
Basically, it's mistakes in defining their candidate in 2008 led to McAuliffe entering the race and more mistakes made throughout 2009.
Still waiting on the post-mortem from the McAuliffe camp. He surely didn't throw his hat into the ring for 26 percent of the primary vote.
Basically, it's mistakes in defining their candidate in 2008 led to McAuliffe entering the race and more mistakes made throughout 2009.
Still waiting on the post-mortem from the McAuliffe camp. He surely didn't throw his hat into the ring for 26 percent of the primary vote.
Obamacare for Hillary
It's sad to see that Hillary Clinton fell Wednesday and broke her elbow. She's scheduled for surgery next week. Isn't that too soon?
Isn't there a waiting list of people for this surgery?
Who approved the surgery?
How is she going to pay for it?
Let's reschedule the surgery for Wednesday, November 3, 2010. Then everyone can see what awaits them under health care reform.
Isn't there a waiting list of people for this surgery?
Who approved the surgery?
How is she going to pay for it?
Let's reschedule the surgery for Wednesday, November 3, 2010. Then everyone can see what awaits them under health care reform.
Keeping up on Iran
There's still plenty going on in Iran. Andy McCarthy tries to sort some of it out.
If instapundit can change his banner to green, I figure I should also.
If instapundit can change his banner to green, I figure I should also.
Wahoo waaaaaaaaaahh
Channel surfing last night, I came upon the College World Series. It was the top of the ninth, Virginia up 3-1 with two outs. Great, I'll watch the celebration after the final out.
Two strikes on the batter. Then a single and a two-run homer. Ouch, but still a tie game.
Bottom of the ninth. Virginia has bases loaded and one out. Hit the ball to the outfield and there'll be a celebration.
No. It's hard grounder to short, and double play. Extra innings.
Bottom of the 10th. Runners on the corners. Virginia can't score again. Time to turn off the TV and go to bed. This is not going to end well.
Virginia did lose to Arkansas in 12 innings. But they did make it to Omaha, the first Virginia team to do that. Congratulations on a great season, and hopefully a return to the College World Series in 2010.
Two strikes on the batter. Then a single and a two-run homer. Ouch, but still a tie game.
Bottom of the ninth. Virginia has bases loaded and one out. Hit the ball to the outfield and there'll be a celebration.
No. It's hard grounder to short, and double play. Extra innings.
Bottom of the 10th. Runners on the corners. Virginia can't score again. Time to turn off the TV and go to bed. This is not going to end well.
Virginia did lose to Arkansas in 12 innings. But they did make it to Omaha, the first Virginia team to do that. Congratulations on a great season, and hopefully a return to the College World Series in 2010.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Going back to the Love Shack
Sugarland brings back the B-52s to sing one of their most memorable songs.
Banks and tarp
We should have known the TARP program would cause trouble. Just for naming it TARP.
Is this how bankers feel now?
Is this how bankers feel now?
Dogs and cats, living together
I saw this story at Lucianne.com, so I had to check National Review's Corner. Sure enough, Jonah and Cosmo were all over the story. Even giving equal time to cats.
The Cat Lobby spinners are fast. From a reader:
All right, I just can’t let this go. Any cat owner can tell you that cats are much more interested in playing with string than they are with what’s attached to the other end. Food as an incentive for a cat? Get serious. The cats have staff to deal with food issues. They were just playing and the scientist is the one that isn’t smart enough to know the difference.
The Cat Lobby spinners are fast. From a reader:
All right, I just can’t let this go. Any cat owner can tell you that cats are much more interested in playing with string than they are with what’s attached to the other end. Food as an incentive for a cat? Get serious. The cats have staff to deal with food issues. They were just playing and the scientist is the one that isn’t smart enough to know the difference.
Scooby Doo on Iran
There's quite a discussion over at National Review's Corner about whether or not to meddle into the situation.
I look forward to the end, where the mullahs are unmasked and they say "We would have gotten away with it to, if it weren't for those meddling kids and those Americans."
I look forward to the end, where the mullahs are unmasked and they say "We would have gotten away with it to, if it weren't for those meddling kids and those Americans."
McAuliffe's lessons for Obama
A week after the Democratic primary, and I'm still waiting to hear a good reason why Terry McAuliffe lost. He had it all - money, buzz, Bill Clinton and endorsements.
Blue Virginia has a nice post on what didn't work in the primaries. Lots of good thoughts there. But I'm still puzzled - how did McAuliffe's support dry up the last two weeks? How did so many people get the race so wrong?
McAuliffe, like Obama, was the cool kid. People joined him because they thought he was on the winning team. He hit a rough patch and the bandwagon emptied. He wasn't cool anymore. Creigh Deeds became the blank slate that put their hopes and dreams on.
President Obama has personal popularity, but in governing you're going to make enemies. You're going to disappoint your friends. Can he stay cool through the tough times?
McAuliffe's "friends" bailed on him. When the going got tough, he found himself alone and the loser. With an office full of useless "McAuliffe for Virginia" signs.
Even if it's not being publicized, I'm sure Democratic political thinkers are probing McAuliffe's demise for lessons so the same fate doesn't befall them.
Blue Virginia has a nice post on what didn't work in the primaries. Lots of good thoughts there. But I'm still puzzled - how did McAuliffe's support dry up the last two weeks? How did so many people get the race so wrong?
McAuliffe, like Obama, was the cool kid. People joined him because they thought he was on the winning team. He hit a rough patch and the bandwagon emptied. He wasn't cool anymore. Creigh Deeds became the blank slate that put their hopes and dreams on.
President Obama has personal popularity, but in governing you're going to make enemies. You're going to disappoint your friends. Can he stay cool through the tough times?
McAuliffe's "friends" bailed on him. When the going got tough, he found himself alone and the loser. With an office full of useless "McAuliffe for Virginia" signs.
Even if it's not being publicized, I'm sure Democratic political thinkers are probing McAuliffe's demise for lessons so the same fate doesn't befall them.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Explain this to me
The new poll from the Democratic Governors Association has Tim Kaine with a 66 percent approval rating.
But in mid-May, Survey USA had him at 50 percent. Which one is the outlier?
The May 2005 Survey USA poll at Mark Warner at 55 percent approval. I'd bet on Survey USA being closer to reality, once the afterglow of the primary fades.
But in mid-May, Survey USA had him at 50 percent. Which one is the outlier?
The May 2005 Survey USA poll at Mark Warner at 55 percent approval. I'd bet on Survey USA being closer to reality, once the afterglow of the primary fades.
Sluggish bloggers
The Other McCain notes that the national GOP has not updated its blog in 32 days.
So I checked. The Republican Party of Virginia's blog hasn't been updated in 47 days. Since the last time I mentioned it was a quiet blog.
Get cracking, or turn over the keys to people who can write several posts a day.
So I checked. The Republican Party of Virginia's blog hasn't been updated in 47 days. Since the last time I mentioned it was a quiet blog.
Get cracking, or turn over the keys to people who can write several posts a day.
What's up, doc
Rich Lowry shares some emails from doctors.
And I just received the latest email from President Obama, asking for donations to fight for health care reform. Because
Our opposition will be fierce, and they have been down this road before. To prevail, we must once more build a coast-to-coast operation ready to knock on doors, deploy volunteers, get out the facts, and show the world how real change happens in America.
I think I trust Lowry's emails more than the President's.
And I just received the latest email from President Obama, asking for donations to fight for health care reform. Because
Our opposition will be fierce, and they have been down this road before. To prevail, we must once more build a coast-to-coast operation ready to knock on doors, deploy volunteers, get out the facts, and show the world how real change happens in America.
I think I trust Lowry's emails more than the President's.
Lousy place to walk on water
Ralph Peters offers his take on Iran and Obama in the New York Post. If the administration takes one passage from this piece, here's a good one.
And all that rhetoric about the impending end of time and the return of the Hidden Imam? A key faction -- which includes President Ahmadinejad -- believes it.
And all that rhetoric about the impending end of time and the return of the Hidden Imam? A key faction -- which includes President Ahmadinejad -- believes it.
Obamanomics in action
Politico reports that the White House press corps didn't follow President Obama to Chicago for his speech to the AMA. There was not enough interest in a charter flight for the press. Why?
1. They could cover it on TV.
2. There were people already in Chicago who could cover it.
3. They didn't want to fly to Chicago to sit in a room away from the president, watch the speech on TV, and return home without interacting with someone they were writing about.
4. They were promoted to blogger, watching the President from the comfort of their homes.
It's probably a decision that could have been made years ago, but the press sees it as a milestone due to their financial troubles. They would have paid thousands of dollars a seat so the dateline would say CHICAGO or to get a standup shot along the River.
In tight economic times, you have to think really hard about what you spend your money on. The press is learning the hard way. Maybe the administration can watch and learn also.
1. They could cover it on TV.
2. There were people already in Chicago who could cover it.
3. They didn't want to fly to Chicago to sit in a room away from the president, watch the speech on TV, and return home without interacting with someone they were writing about.
4. They were promoted to blogger, watching the President from the comfort of their homes.
It's probably a decision that could have been made years ago, but the press sees it as a milestone due to their financial troubles. They would have paid thousands of dollars a seat so the dateline would say CHICAGO or to get a standup shot along the River.
In tight economic times, you have to think really hard about what you spend your money on. The press is learning the hard way. Maybe the administration can watch and learn also.
Give a man a quote
SWACgirl has the "Give a man a fish" quote on her profile. Troglopundit offers some variation on that theme.
See how easy it is to connect the Shenandoah Valley with Wisconsin on the internet?
See how easy it is to connect the Shenandoah Valley with Wisconsin on the internet?
Just a bit outside
The Indians celebrated the 20th year of the movie "Major League" Monday when Milwaukee came to town. Brewers' announcer Bob Uecker uttered some memorable catchphrases as the announcer in the movie.
Uecker also appeared in the Miller Lite commercials in the 1980s, including this one.
Uecker also appeared in the Miller Lite commercials in the 1980s, including this one.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Cheers for Republicans to remember
The Other McCain got a nice long link at Instapundit today. I guess he doesn't suck anymore.
Somehow, my thoughts went back to Baltimore's ice hockey team 30 years ago. It was the low minors, and the fans wanted players who would hit.
Among the season-ticket holding superfans, they would chant "Be aggressive, be aggressive, B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E." They would chant in falsetto voice, or low and slow. But they wanted the team to be aggressive.
When I moved to Bluefield, West Virginia and watched the Orioles' rookie team, one fans would always yell "Challenge the hitter." As a former pitcher, he knew you had to be aggressive on the mound.
You don't win in ice hockey or baseball by letting the opposition dictate the flow of the game. You hit back, attack his weaknesses and try to stay on offense.
Let them hurl their insults. We'll whack them right back.
Somehow, my thoughts went back to Baltimore's ice hockey team 30 years ago. It was the low minors, and the fans wanted players who would hit.
Among the season-ticket holding superfans, they would chant "Be aggressive, be aggressive, B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E." They would chant in falsetto voice, or low and slow. But they wanted the team to be aggressive.
When I moved to Bluefield, West Virginia and watched the Orioles' rookie team, one fans would always yell "Challenge the hitter." As a former pitcher, he knew you had to be aggressive on the mound.
You don't win in ice hockey or baseball by letting the opposition dictate the flow of the game. You hit back, attack his weaknesses and try to stay on offense.
Let them hurl their insults. We'll whack them right back.
Paging historians
I'm wondering. In his first five months in office, did Abraham Lincoln give any speeches blaming James Buchanan for the Civil War?
Did he blame the Founding Fathers for not taking care of slavery?
Did he speak longingly about the problems he'd rather be dealing with, instead of southern states leaving the union?
I've never heard of such speeches. Are they out there?
Somehow, I'd really doubt it.
Did he blame the Founding Fathers for not taking care of slavery?
Did he speak longingly about the problems he'd rather be dealing with, instead of southern states leaving the union?
I've never heard of such speeches. Are they out there?
Somehow, I'd really doubt it.
Lawyers reforming doctor's pay
What's the health care reform debate really about? One group, lawyers and legislators, trying to solve a problem through limiting the pay of another group - doctors and the healthcare industry.
Do the threat of runaway legal bills add costs to medical treatment? Probably. You order an extra test, just to be sure you didn't miss something bad. Doctors care about their patients, and want to keep lawyer visits to a minimum. If the extra test would have caught a disease early, you could be hammered for not asking for it.
We know how lawyers want to reform healthcare. We should ask doctors. But they're probably too busy seeing patients and doing government-inspired paperwork to have time to waste in lengthy committee meetings.
Do the threat of runaway legal bills add costs to medical treatment? Probably. You order an extra test, just to be sure you didn't miss something bad. Doctors care about their patients, and want to keep lawyer visits to a minimum. If the extra test would have caught a disease early, you could be hammered for not asking for it.
We know how lawyers want to reform healthcare. We should ask doctors. But they're probably too busy seeing patients and doing government-inspired paperwork to have time to waste in lengthy committee meetings.
Naive, hypocritical or simply dishonest
Robert Samuelson takes his whack at the Obama administration's health care reform.
It's bad when naive is your best-case scenario.
It's bad when naive is your best-case scenario.
New rides at Six Flags
Protein Wisdom features the rides at a bailed-out Six Flags.
The Big O!, powered by carbon-free unicorn farts
The New GM roller coaster
Shovel Ready
Red America water ride (paddle faster, I hear banjos).
Mr. Ayers' wild ride
And it's so close to D.C.
The Big O!, powered by carbon-free unicorn farts
The New GM roller coaster
Shovel Ready
Red America water ride (paddle faster, I hear banjos).
Mr. Ayers' wild ride
And it's so close to D.C.
Don't go to Chicago
Drudge Report links the WGN weather blog in Chicago. It's rainy and colder than normal in the Windy City so far this June.
Fire up the SUVs, boys and girls, they need some warm weather.
Fire up the SUVs, boys and girls, they need some warm weather.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Latest rankings
The lastest Blognetnews Virginia rankings came out today, and I'm at my highest point ever - 3rd overall and 2nd on the conservative side.
Now, I know I passed Yankee Phil just because he's going to slow down and enjoy the summer. So the question remains - When's SWACgirl going to take a vacation?
It must be hard work being number one so many weeks in a row. Need some rest?
Now, I know I passed Yankee Phil just because he's going to slow down and enjoy the summer. So the question remains - When's SWACgirl going to take a vacation?
It must be hard work being number one so many weeks in a row. Need some rest?
Fishersville Mike Joins Renown Allies
Each weekend, Smitty at the Other McCain does a weekly roundup. His headline is five words long, following the pattern of FMJRA for Full-Metal Jacket Reach Around.
I decided to copy him this week. When your blog's name is Fishersville Mike, you're 40 percent of the way to the headline.
Kicking off this week's roundup is Pundit and Pundette. They picked up on my idea from last weekend of a roundup of roundups. She links roundups from Pat in Shreveport, NoSheeplesHere, DaleyGator and Snaggletoothie. There's a picture of a sheep on the USS Enterprise at one of those links. Guess which one?
Tigerhawk's Friday lunchtime roundup caught ToM's eye. Right after he finished folding the clothes and before he started cooking dinner.
This week's Rule 5 roundup includes my post - how Terry McAuliffe went from being Megan Fox to Anne Ramsey in two short weeks.
Troglopundit, proudly displaying his new photoshop logo, hits the roundup rounds also.
Finally, my advice on linkage - when the Other McCain writes that he sucks, jump on it. Wednesday, I wrote this post and got update from him at his site and Hot Air's Green Room. And a whole bunch of hits. And the best day of the week definitely doesn't suck.
I decided to copy him this week. When your blog's name is Fishersville Mike, you're 40 percent of the way to the headline.
Kicking off this week's roundup is Pundit and Pundette. They picked up on my idea from last weekend of a roundup of roundups. She links roundups from Pat in Shreveport, NoSheeplesHere, DaleyGator and Snaggletoothie. There's a picture of a sheep on the USS Enterprise at one of those links. Guess which one?
Tigerhawk's Friday lunchtime roundup caught ToM's eye. Right after he finished folding the clothes and before he started cooking dinner.
This week's Rule 5 roundup includes my post - how Terry McAuliffe went from being Megan Fox to Anne Ramsey in two short weeks.
Troglopundit, proudly displaying his new photoshop logo, hits the roundup rounds also.
Finally, my advice on linkage - when the Other McCain writes that he sucks, jump on it. Wednesday, I wrote this post and got update from him at his site and Hot Air's Green Room. And a whole bunch of hits. And the best day of the week definitely doesn't suck.
Watch Iran
There's plenty of great coverage about Iran, its elections and aftermatch around the internet. Search and read a few links.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I hate Jon and Kate
I realized in the supermarket checkout that I'm heard way, way, way too much about Jon and Kate. Almost every celebrity magazine has their picture and struggles displayed.
Here's a quarter. Call someone who cares.
Here's a quarter. Call someone who cares.
More baseball coming
The Valley League season has started, and in two weeks the rookie Appalachian League will be underway in southwest Virginia. It reminded me of this clip of Phillip Wellman, who 20 years ago was a young coach of the Pulaski Braves.
Has Obama held a yard sale?
Just finished our neighborhood's yearly yard sale. It's a great time to clean out the garage, and meet plenty of interesting people. We have a big neighborhood, so there's plenty of people selling and it attracts many carloads of shoppers.
It made me wonder if President Obama or Michelle had ever done a yard sale. I doubt it.
If they had, he wouldn't be focusing on building smaller cars at GM and Chrysler. Several people bought enough to fill their cars, and left my place with stuff on their laps.
They wished they had brought their bigger cars to take home what they bought.
People still had money to buy bargains. We had steady traffic for four hours.
The Obamas ought to visit a neighborhood yard sale. Maybe pick up something nice for their new homes. See how real people live.
Might even meet the next "Joe the Plumber."
It made me wonder if President Obama or Michelle had ever done a yard sale. I doubt it.
If they had, he wouldn't be focusing on building smaller cars at GM and Chrysler. Several people bought enough to fill their cars, and left my place with stuff on their laps.
They wished they had brought their bigger cars to take home what they bought.
People still had money to buy bargains. We had steady traffic for four hours.
The Obamas ought to visit a neighborhood yard sale. Maybe pick up something nice for their new homes. See how real people live.
Might even meet the next "Joe the Plumber."
Waldo and the NRA
While looking up Creigh Deeds' NRA endorsement in 2005, I found this post by Waldo.
He was a tad excited, ending the post with -
(I probably shouldn’t dance around my living room in the nude like this.)
He's toned things down a little for this year's post.
He was a tad excited, ending the post with -
(I probably shouldn’t dance around my living room in the nude like this.)
He's toned things down a little for this year's post.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Three weeks to go
The Other McCain is excited about his upcoming fireworks extravaganza. Watch and see what he's planning.
Democrats' fatal flaw
Just read Blue Virginia's analysis about the Republicans. Some interesting points, but a major problem. Democrats need middle class Republicans to pay for their programs.
When there's money, you can promise people things to get their vote. When money's tight like it is now, you'll have unhappy people. Unhappy at your broken promises. Which will make them more receptive to a party focused on cutting government back to a managable size.
Remember the Tea Parties? That's the way back. If the traditional Republican party doesn't pick up the torch, something new will grab these overburdened taxpayers who don't want to take it anymore.
The young will be the easiest to peel away from Obama and the Democrats. Wait until they see the bill they've been handed by previous generations. Democrats will still point to Republican failures, but there will be more obvious Democratic failures to see.
When Social Security runs out of real money and has to rely on its IOUs, then the Bible-believers with big families will get more respect. You don't insult the people you're depending on to work and pay taxes for your retirement needs.
Immigration is always a tough thing. We've been lucky enough to have been born in the United States, a land of unbelievable riches. No wonder millions of people fight and claw their way to this country.
Those who work hard are welcomed. Those who come to grab government aid won't have the incentive to come if there's no money to give.
Republicans want to help others, and want to make a better future for our children. The consultants have to get up to speed with the new political dynamic building in this country.
When there's money, you can promise people things to get their vote. When money's tight like it is now, you'll have unhappy people. Unhappy at your broken promises. Which will make them more receptive to a party focused on cutting government back to a managable size.
Remember the Tea Parties? That's the way back. If the traditional Republican party doesn't pick up the torch, something new will grab these overburdened taxpayers who don't want to take it anymore.
The young will be the easiest to peel away from Obama and the Democrats. Wait until they see the bill they've been handed by previous generations. Democrats will still point to Republican failures, but there will be more obvious Democratic failures to see.
When Social Security runs out of real money and has to rely on its IOUs, then the Bible-believers with big families will get more respect. You don't insult the people you're depending on to work and pay taxes for your retirement needs.
Immigration is always a tough thing. We've been lucky enough to have been born in the United States, a land of unbelievable riches. No wonder millions of people fight and claw their way to this country.
Those who work hard are welcomed. Those who come to grab government aid won't have the incentive to come if there's no money to give.
Republicans want to help others, and want to make a better future for our children. The consultants have to get up to speed with the new political dynamic building in this country.
One second after
Instapundit links Mark Steyn's review of the book "One Second After", a review that quotes Instapundit.
A world without computers? I can't live without reading Steyn or Instapundit.
A world without computers? I can't live without reading Steyn or Instapundit.
Latest from Cletus
Friends stick together
It's a small story, but Lucianne.com found it. Venezuela's Chavez wishes Iran's Ahmadinejad luck in Friday's election.
We'll be watching the results, and saying "Faster. Please."
We'll be watching the results, and saying "Faster. Please."
Weekend watchdog
The Stanley Cup will be in Detroit Friday night, and somebody will raise it over the ice. Even if it's early Saturday morning.
For the fifth time since 2001, the NHL championship comes down to a single contest. The Red Wings look to repeat as champions, while the Penguins look to bring the Cup back to Pittsburgh for the first time since 1992. (although 1995 movie Sudden Death was set in Pittsburgh for Game 7 of the finals).
I look forward to seeing the Octopus hovering over the crowd, and seeing if a fan tosses one onto the ice.
Another championship will be settled sometime this week. The NBA Finals continue on ABC Sunday night from Orlando. If the Magic win that one, it's back to L.A. for Game 6 Tuesday. Thursday night would be Game 7, if needed.
Eight teams, including the University of Virginia, converge on Omaha for the NCAA's College World Series. Virginia faces LSU Saturday at 7 p.m., then will play again Monday against either Arkansas or Cal-State Fullerton. Games start at 2 and 7 p.m. through Tuesday, and it's lose twice in your bracket and you go home.
In the majors, this weekend is my favorite interleague matchup. Not Yankees-Mets. It’s the Orioles hosting the Braves on MASN. I grew up an Orioles fan, and my wife liked the Braves from watching TBS on cable (she wrote the 1982 lineup on the inside of her closet. But we didn’t name any of our children Brett Butler).
Also this weekend, the Nationals visit the Rays on MASN2. Not one of the most anticipated interleague matchups.
If you want to see the Mets and Yankees, they'll be on FOX Saturday and TBS Sunday afternoon. The Indians host the Cardinals for ESPN's Sunday night contest.
TNT's NASCAR coverage continues at Michigan Sunday, starting at 1:30 p.m.
For the fifth time since 2001, the NHL championship comes down to a single contest. The Red Wings look to repeat as champions, while the Penguins look to bring the Cup back to Pittsburgh for the first time since 1992. (although 1995 movie Sudden Death was set in Pittsburgh for Game 7 of the finals).
I look forward to seeing the Octopus hovering over the crowd, and seeing if a fan tosses one onto the ice.
Another championship will be settled sometime this week. The NBA Finals continue on ABC Sunday night from Orlando. If the Magic win that one, it's back to L.A. for Game 6 Tuesday. Thursday night would be Game 7, if needed.
Eight teams, including the University of Virginia, converge on Omaha for the NCAA's College World Series. Virginia faces LSU Saturday at 7 p.m., then will play again Monday against either Arkansas or Cal-State Fullerton. Games start at 2 and 7 p.m. through Tuesday, and it's lose twice in your bracket and you go home.
In the majors, this weekend is my favorite interleague matchup. Not Yankees-Mets. It’s the Orioles hosting the Braves on MASN. I grew up an Orioles fan, and my wife liked the Braves from watching TBS on cable (she wrote the 1982 lineup on the inside of her closet. But we didn’t name any of our children Brett Butler).
Also this weekend, the Nationals visit the Rays on MASN2. Not one of the most anticipated interleague matchups.
If you want to see the Mets and Yankees, they'll be on FOX Saturday and TBS Sunday afternoon. The Indians host the Cardinals for ESPN's Sunday night contest.
TNT's NASCAR coverage continues at Michigan Sunday, starting at 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Where's the bad blood?
So everything is okay on the Democratic side. No hard feelings from McAuliffe or Moran supporters in defeat. No bad blood?
Still have to post this. Yes kids, your parents did listen to music like this in the 70s.
Still have to post this. Yes kids, your parents did listen to music like this in the 70s.
Congrats, Trog
RightWingNews has posted a list of its top 40 conservative bloggers, and Troglopundit from Wisconsin made the list.
In the spirit of Wisconsin hero Brett Favre, Trog first declined the offer. Then he accepted it. He declined it again. Peter King and Chris Mortensen have calls and texts pending, waiting to see if he'll accept it again.
In the spirit of Wisconsin hero Brett Favre, Trog first declined the offer. Then he accepted it. He declined it again. Peter King and Chris Mortensen have calls and texts pending, waiting to see if he'll accept it again.
Please tell me why
How did Terry McAuliffe lose? I'm still waiting for a good explanation of the turning point. The Shad Plank just posted a roundup of analysis, but what changed the game?
Was it Moran bringing up Global Crossing?
The Washington Post endorsement of Deeds? (this post questions that theme)
Tertium Quids' suggestion - Not Larry Sabato's endorsement?
How did voters spending much of the spring thinking McAuliffe was this

and end up thinking he was this (from Throw Momma from the Train)
Was it Moran bringing up Global Crossing?
The Washington Post endorsement of Deeds? (this post questions that theme)
Tertium Quids' suggestion - Not Larry Sabato's endorsement?
How did voters spending much of the spring thinking McAuliffe was this

and end up thinking he was this (from Throw Momma from the Train)
Health care reform and dollar coins
Before looking at the latest Washington attempt to overhaul health care, look in your change drawer. Is there a dollar coin there?
The Susan B. Anthony.
Dollar coins are always considered a way for government to save money. And they always flop.
The Eisenhower dollar with the Eagle landing on the moon on the back from 1971.

The Sacajewea.
The presidential dollar coins now being minted.
Why do dollar coins always fail? Conspiracy? Nah?
Businesses have money holders for their change-giving needs. Four slots for coins, and four slots for bills. To add a new coin to the mix, everything has to be overhauled. If you dump the penny to add the dollar coin, you'll still have pennies coming through the door for years to come.
Helping 50 million Americans sounds good. Making life harder for 250 million Americans to do it? Let's think about that more.
News you can use
The other day while channel surfing, Fox News had a story on a new website Runpee.com. It attempts to give you the best time to take a bathroom break during the new movie you're watching at the theater.
Then I saw this story that Mark Steyn found - a three-year wait for surgery to help with serious incontinence in Quebec.
So health care reform may mean we all have to visit runpee.com before going to the movies - if we can get out of the house.
Then I saw this story that Mark Steyn found - a three-year wait for surgery to help with serious incontinence in Quebec.
So health care reform may mean we all have to visit runpee.com before going to the movies - if we can get out of the house.
Post's Post-Mortems
The Washington Post has stories on the election losses of Brian Moran and Terry McAuliffe.
But the question remains - how did so many people get this election so wrong? So many thought McAuliffe was going to win.
He received 26 percent of the vote when he was expected to be around 36 percent. Where did those 10 percent go? Or were they never there in the first place?
But the question remains - how did so many people get this election so wrong? So many thought McAuliffe was going to win.
He received 26 percent of the vote when he was expected to be around 36 percent. Where did those 10 percent go? Or were they never there in the first place?
Concord Charlie vs. Concord alum
I saw Creigh Deeds' commercial about going to college with just four $20 bills. But he failed to mention that college was in West Virginia. Concord, The Campus Beautiful.
I spent plenty of time at Concord, while writing sports for the Bluefield Daily Telegraph from 1987-95. I saw Concord win three West Virginia Conference men's basketball tournaments and traveled with them to Kansas City for the 1991 NAIA tournament.
Their rivals at Bluefield State called me "Concord Charlie*" for my obvious - to them - bias to Concord.
But my bias for things Concord doesn't extend to Democratic candidates for Concord. You won't see this Concord Charlie helping this Concord alum.
*Why "Concord Charlie?" Starting in 1979, Concord has had a Groundhog Day celebration. The college president brings news whether or not Charlie saw his shadow. No one else sees Charlie. If Deeds got an endorsement from that Concord Charlie, I'd like to see the picture.
I spent plenty of time at Concord, while writing sports for the Bluefield Daily Telegraph from 1987-95. I saw Concord win three West Virginia Conference men's basketball tournaments and traveled with them to Kansas City for the 1991 NAIA tournament.
Their rivals at Bluefield State called me "Concord Charlie*" for my obvious - to them - bias to Concord.
But my bias for things Concord doesn't extend to Democratic candidates for Concord. You won't see this Concord Charlie helping this Concord alum.
*Why "Concord Charlie?" Starting in 1979, Concord has had a Groundhog Day celebration. The college president brings news whether or not Charlie saw his shadow. No one else sees Charlie. If Deeds got an endorsement from that Concord Charlie, I'd like to see the picture.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A song for Terry
I wonder if Terry McAuliffe thought about this song the past few days.
"Riding high in April, shot down in May."
Too bad there's no time for back on top in June. And surely nothing will be shaking this here July.
"Riding high in April, shot down in May."
Too bad there's no time for back on top in June. And surely nothing will be shaking this here July.
Quote of the day
Does the NRA decide this election?
It's interesting that the NRA endorsed Creigh Deeds over Bob McDonnell in 2005. Will it happen again? If not, could that cost Deeds the election?
A Republican talking point coming out today is Deeds has moved left since the attorney general contest. If Deeds keeps the NRA nod, that hurts the theme. If he loses the endorsement or there's no endorsement, it enhances the "Deeds has moved left" theme.
There's lots of issues and lots of time to go.
A Republican talking point coming out today is Deeds has moved left since the attorney general contest. If Deeds keeps the NRA nod, that hurts the theme. If he loses the endorsement or there's no endorsement, it enhances the "Deeds has moved left" theme.
There's lots of issues and lots of time to go.
Carrie Prejean out as Miss California USA

Smash Mouth Politics got this first - Carrie Prejean has been fired as Miss California USA by Donald Trump.
There's a job opening, and Terry McAuliffe and Brian Moran are now looking for something to do.
Good luck to Carrie. I'm sure she's got plenty of opportunities ahead.
Threading a thin line
Let's see if I can summarize the Democratic game plan for this election.
Like something? Say it's part of the Warner-Kaine legacy.
Don't like something? Say it's a Bush policy McDonnell would continue.
Let's see how that works out.
Like something? Say it's part of the Warner-Kaine legacy.
Don't like something? Say it's a Bush policy McDonnell would continue.
Let's see how that works out.
How not to suck
The Other McCain is not happy today. He's not getting the attention he deserves. He asks "How bad do I suck?"
First step not to suck. Don't have your picture taken with losers.

Second step: What's Carrie Prejean up to?
UPDATE: This was a great post. Still getting hits in November. And will continue to get hits on it whenever McCain thinks he sucks.
First step not to suck. Don't have your picture taken with losers.
Second step: What's Carrie Prejean up to?
UPDATE: This was a great post. Still getting hits in November. And will continue to get hits on it whenever McCain thinks he sucks.
Creigh Deeds, brought to you by Republicans
The importance of the upcoming elections includes control of 2010 redistricting. Look back at the 2000 Republican-led redistricting, and how it brought us Senator Creigh Deeds.
Look at his district. A district built for Emily Couric. Take the Democratic stronghold of Charlottesville, string together enough rural areas to reach the population requirement and strengthen nearby Republican districts.
Last night, I enjoyed reading Waldo's flashback to Deeds' nomination after Couric's death in 2001. Country boy beat the city slickers then, and did it again Tuesday night.
I watch Charlottesville TV, and Bath County isn't in the coverage area. But Deeds is the state senator.
Interesting lesson to remember as this redistricting gets underway.
Look at his district. A district built for Emily Couric. Take the Democratic stronghold of Charlottesville, string together enough rural areas to reach the population requirement and strengthen nearby Republican districts.
Last night, I enjoyed reading Waldo's flashback to Deeds' nomination after Couric's death in 2001. Country boy beat the city slickers then, and did it again Tuesday night.
I watch Charlottesville TV, and Bath County isn't in the coverage area. But Deeds is the state senator.
Interesting lesson to remember as this redistricting gets underway.
Terry McAuliffe, bringing people together
This morning, I've gotten hits from The Other McCain and DailyKos about Terry McAuliffe. He's a uniter who brings different parts of the political spectrum together. I especially liked this comment on Kos:
All of my closest political friends loathed him with the force of a 1,000 suns, a visceral loathing that hadn't diminished much almost a year after the primaries.
Nice line, WVaBlue.
All of my closest political friends loathed him with the force of a 1,000 suns, a visceral loathing that hadn't diminished much almost a year after the primaries.
Nice line, WVaBlue.
Which way now, Progressives?
In Tuesday's primary, the most progressive gubernatorial candidate finished last with 24 percent.
The most progressive candidate for Lt. Governor finished with 21 percent, more than 50 percent behind the winner.
This in a primary that should have drawn the most-dedicated, interested party members throughout the state. Not a good night for the Progressive brand on the Democratic aisle.
Sure, Brian Moran would have done better if Terry McAuliffe hadn't entered the race. But if Moran were a better candidate, then McAuliffe wouldn't have been so attracted to the race. Attracted like a 10-year-old girl looking at a Jonas Brothers display.
I saw a comment last night how Deeds needs to now reach out to progressives. I suggest he use President Obama's line to Republicans in January - "I won."
Progressives should know what that means.
The most progressive candidate for Lt. Governor finished with 21 percent, more than 50 percent behind the winner.
This in a primary that should have drawn the most-dedicated, interested party members throughout the state. Not a good night for the Progressive brand on the Democratic aisle.
Sure, Brian Moran would have done better if Terry McAuliffe hadn't entered the race. But if Moran were a better candidate, then McAuliffe wouldn't have been so attracted to the race. Attracted like a 10-year-old girl looking at a Jonas Brothers display.
I saw a comment last night how Deeds needs to now reach out to progressives. I suggest he use President Obama's line to Republicans in January - "I won."
Progressives should know what that means.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Next McAuliffe fundraiser
How much would you pay to listen in on Terry McAuliffe's next talk with Bill Clinton?
How Phil and I took out T-Mac
What went wrong for Terry McAuliffe? How could he lose this race he was expected to win? I take you back to mid-April, and the blogs of SWAC Corps.
Inspired by Chris Graham's endorsement of McAuliffe for governor, I endorse him as the easiest Democrat to beat. Reason number three - Global Crossing.
YankeePhil writes a post about Global Crossing also. And a few days later, the first mention of Global Crossing in a debate, when Brian Moran broached the subject.
The press loved it, and some themes are set. Themes that end up helping Deeds among Democratic voters. They are:
1. Moran has gone negative, a big no-no.
2. The Republican hate machine will bring up bad stuff in the general election about McAuliffe. Global Crossing is shorthand for every suspicion people have about him.
McAuliffe ran a bandwagon campaign - join me, everyone else is. He needed a more people on the bandwagon to overwhelm his opponents and bring victory home.
Instead, he got run over by Deeds' last-minute bandwagon/steamroller.
I can post this much, much earlier than I thought I would. So what's your thoughts how McAuliffe lost? What's your turning point?
UPDATE: Linked at The Other McCain, NTCNews and Memeorandum.
Inspired by Chris Graham's endorsement of McAuliffe for governor, I endorse him as the easiest Democrat to beat. Reason number three - Global Crossing.
YankeePhil writes a post about Global Crossing also. And a few days later, the first mention of Global Crossing in a debate, when Brian Moran broached the subject.
The press loved it, and some themes are set. Themes that end up helping Deeds among Democratic voters. They are:
1. Moran has gone negative, a big no-no.
2. The Republican hate machine will bring up bad stuff in the general election about McAuliffe. Global Crossing is shorthand for every suspicion people have about him.
McAuliffe ran a bandwagon campaign - join me, everyone else is. He needed a more people on the bandwagon to overwhelm his opponents and bring victory home.
Instead, he got run over by Deeds' last-minute bandwagon/steamroller.
I can post this much, much earlier than I thought I would. So what's your thoughts how McAuliffe lost? What's your turning point?
UPDATE: Linked at The Other McCain, NTCNews and Memeorandum.
If McAuliffe pulls this off...
...he's brilliant and wounded. Sending out an email at 2 p.m. on Election Day that he's not dead yet.
If you're running "ride the bandwagon with the cool kids" campaign, you've got to pump up your news to get the stragglers on the bandwagon before the polls close. And negate the bad news and bad vibes of the last 48 hours.
If McAuliffe wins, he's not the Macker. He's the Straggler, limping to the finish line.
If you're running "ride the bandwagon with the cool kids" campaign, you've got to pump up your news to get the stragglers on the bandwagon before the polls close. And negate the bad news and bad vibes of the last 48 hours.
If McAuliffe wins, he's not the Macker. He's the Straggler, limping to the finish line.
Obama, you scare me
Saw the story about the retired Procter & Gamble vice president's letter to President Obama.
With apologies to Sam Cooke, here's the parody that it inspired.
Obama you scare me
Policies that scare me
Obama you scare me
More than swine flu, more than swine flu
That’s what you do, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Your taxes kill me
So much spending, it kills me
Obama, you, you, you keep spending
Without a clue
At first, I saw the infatuation
But woo, that didn’t last so long
Now I find myself wanting
To run screaming throughout the town
Obama, you, you scare me
I know you scare me
Out of my pants scare me
Oh yes you do
Whoa-oh-oh, whenever I hear you speak
I know, I know it’s going to be bad
Aaah, aaah, worse than swine flu, worse than swine flu
Whoa-oh-oh, I know-oh-oh-oh
I know, I know, I know, that you scare me
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, whenever I hear you
Mmm hmm, mmm hmm, honest you do
At first, I saw the infatuation
But woo, that didn’t last so long
Now I find myself wanting
To run screaming throughout the town
Now you know, you know why you scare me
This letter I send you
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, please listen to me
Here's a video of the inspiration.
With apologies to Sam Cooke, here's the parody that it inspired.
Obama you scare me
Policies that scare me
Obama you scare me
More than swine flu, more than swine flu
That’s what you do, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Your taxes kill me
So much spending, it kills me
Obama, you, you, you keep spending
Without a clue
At first, I saw the infatuation
But woo, that didn’t last so long
Now I find myself wanting
To run screaming throughout the town
Obama, you, you scare me
I know you scare me
Out of my pants scare me
Oh yes you do
Whoa-oh-oh, whenever I hear you speak
I know, I know it’s going to be bad
Aaah, aaah, worse than swine flu, worse than swine flu
Whoa-oh-oh, I know-oh-oh-oh
I know, I know, I know, that you scare me
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, whenever I hear you
Mmm hmm, mmm hmm, honest you do
At first, I saw the infatuation
But woo, that didn’t last so long
Now I find myself wanting
To run screaming throughout the town
Now you know, you know why you scare me
This letter I send you
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, please listen to me
Here's a video of the inspiration.
Hot times in Texas
Cindy Sheehan and friends protested outside George W. Bush's home in Dallas Monday.
There were counter-protesters. And kids selling lemonade.
How come they are always protesting Bush outside in the Texas heat?
There were counter-protesters. And kids selling lemonade.
How come they are always protesting Bush outside in the Texas heat?
What death spiral?
Here's my first guest editorial at NTCnews.
For those who say the Republican party is in a death spiral, how come Republican candidates lead by double digits in this year's two gubernatorial elections?
In New Jersey, Chris Christie leads incumbent Jon Corzine 51-38 in the latest Rasmussen Poll. In Virginia, three Democrats are beating each other up for the right to face Bob McDonnell in November.
Christie has led Corzine for several months in polling, as having “Wall Street Wizard” on your resume doesn’t seem helpful this election year.
In my home state of Virginia, Democrats thought they had the state going in their direction. Instead, their fractures are showing as another big talker – Terry McAuliffe – has failed to pull away despite big money and big endorsements.
It recalls 1992-93, when Republicans won both states after Bill Clinton’s election. They won with a cowboy conservative – George Allen in Virginia – and a moderate in Christie Todd Whitman, setting the stage for the 1994 takeover of Congress.
The Democrats’ road to holding these seats grows harder each day. Because their best attacks revolve around scaring voters about the past.
Corzine opened his re-election campaign Tuesday by bashing former President George W. Bush. Sorry, he’s gone back to Texas.
The Democrats’ anti-Bob McDonnell website features Pat Robertson. If Jerry Falwell were still alive, he’d be there too. But McDonnell’s favorability polling continues to surpass his Democratic rivals.
Winning both of these states would do wonders for the GOP. It creates a positive bandwagon effect, and in Virginia would keep control of redistricting in Republican hands.
Better yet, the Democrats will be at each others’ throats with losses. Their confidence and cockiness will take a hit. The news story won’t be Limbaugh vs. Frum, but angry Democrats feeling the magic slip away.
For those who say the Republican party is in a death spiral, how come Republican candidates lead by double digits in this year's two gubernatorial elections?
In New Jersey, Chris Christie leads incumbent Jon Corzine 51-38 in the latest Rasmussen Poll. In Virginia, three Democrats are beating each other up for the right to face Bob McDonnell in November.
Christie has led Corzine for several months in polling, as having “Wall Street Wizard” on your resume doesn’t seem helpful this election year.
In my home state of Virginia, Democrats thought they had the state going in their direction. Instead, their fractures are showing as another big talker – Terry McAuliffe – has failed to pull away despite big money and big endorsements.
It recalls 1992-93, when Republicans won both states after Bill Clinton’s election. They won with a cowboy conservative – George Allen in Virginia – and a moderate in Christie Todd Whitman, setting the stage for the 1994 takeover of Congress.
The Democrats’ road to holding these seats grows harder each day. Because their best attacks revolve around scaring voters about the past.
Corzine opened his re-election campaign Tuesday by bashing former President George W. Bush. Sorry, he’s gone back to Texas.
The Democrats’ anti-Bob McDonnell website features Pat Robertson. If Jerry Falwell were still alive, he’d be there too. But McDonnell’s favorability polling continues to surpass his Democratic rivals.
Winning both of these states would do wonders for the GOP. It creates a positive bandwagon effect, and in Virginia would keep control of redistricting in Republican hands.
Better yet, the Democrats will be at each others’ throats with losses. Their confidence and cockiness will take a hit. The news story won’t be Limbaugh vs. Frum, but angry Democrats feeling the magic slip away.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Free brown bananas
The latest classic from Iowahawk.
And learn about "funemployment" "starve-cation" "relax-cession" and "pro-stitution."
And learn about "funemployment" "starve-cation" "relax-cession" and "pro-stitution."
Lightning in the distance
A thunderstorm cell rolled through northern Augusta County Monday, about 10 miles north of Fishersville.
Around 9 p.m., I went onto the back porch with the youngest to watch the lightning off in the distance. Clouds would light up, and see could see the Blue Ridge Parkway ridge line light up as the storm passed through.
Thunderstorms can be dangerous, but from a distance they can also be beautiful.
Around 9 p.m., I went onto the back porch with the youngest to watch the lightning off in the distance. Clouds would light up, and see could see the Blue Ridge Parkway ridge line light up as the storm passed through.
Thunderstorms can be dangerous, but from a distance they can also be beautiful.
NFL offseason news
Peter King's Monday Morning Quarterback tells about a planned trip by five NFL head coaches (two retired with Super Bowl rings) to visit the troops in the Persian Gulf.
Good for the league and good for the troops.
Good for the league and good for the troops.
Did Terry come here for this?
The day before the primary poll
Deeds 42%
McAuliffe 30%
Moran 21%
From March 27
Terry McAuliffe = Adam
Brian Moran = Danny
Creigh Deeds = everyone else
Kris Allen surprisingly won American Idol. Is there another surprise in store in Virginia Idol?
Deeds 42%
McAuliffe 30%
Moran 21%
From March 27
Terry McAuliffe = Adam
Brian Moran = Danny
Creigh Deeds = everyone else
Kris Allen surprisingly won American Idol. Is there another surprise in store in Virginia Idol?
Blame game
Let's jump ahead to Wednesday. One Democrat wins, and two lose. How's it going to play?
If Deeds wins,
1. Moran supporters will be upset with McAuliffe. If he hadn't entered the race, they could have won.
2. McAuliffe supporters will be upset with Moran. If he hadn't gone negative on T-Mac, they would have won.
If McAuliffe wins,
1. Deeds supporters will believe they would have won if McAuliffe hadn't entered the race.
2. Moran supporters will believe they would have won if McAuliffe hadn't entered the race.
If Moran wins,
(Is that a possibility? Especially after this report from Martinsville).
I got nothing. Any ideas?
If Deeds wins,
1. Moran supporters will be upset with McAuliffe. If he hadn't entered the race, they could have won.
2. McAuliffe supporters will be upset with Moran. If he hadn't gone negative on T-Mac, they would have won.
If McAuliffe wins,
1. Deeds supporters will believe they would have won if McAuliffe hadn't entered the race.
2. Moran supporters will believe they would have won if McAuliffe hadn't entered the race.
If Moran wins,
(Is that a possibility? Especially after this report from Martinsville).
I got nothing. Any ideas?
Visiting Instapundit, I came upon this story of Democratic corruption in Massachusetts. And this priceless paragraph.
The Senate had two members resign last year, one of whom, Senator Dianne Wilkerson of Roxbury, was photographed by federal agents stuffing money into her bra - an alleged payoff for her help in passing legislation. The other, Senator J. James Marzilli Jr. of Arlington, was indicted on charges of accosting four women in downtown Lowell.
Stuffing money into your bra. Sounds like a starting point for "A Night at the Roxbury 2."
Maybe it would help Will Ferrell escape "The Land of the Lost."
The Senate had two members resign last year, one of whom, Senator Dianne Wilkerson of Roxbury, was photographed by federal agents stuffing money into her bra - an alleged payoff for her help in passing legislation. The other, Senator J. James Marzilli Jr. of Arlington, was indicted on charges of accosting four women in downtown Lowell.
Stuffing money into your bra. Sounds like a starting point for "A Night at the Roxbury 2."
Maybe it would help Will Ferrell escape "The Land of the Lost."
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