Sunday, March 6, 2016

You're going to miss us when we're gone

Via Instapundit, a piece on the demise of journalism careers.
When they began working in the 1980s, the newspaper was the only game in town.
For most of the past century, journalists could rely on career stability. Newspapers were an intermediary between advertisers and the public; it was as if their presses printed money. The benefit of this near-monopoly was that newsrooms were heavily stocked with reporters and editors, most of them passionate about creating journalism that made a difference in their communities. It often meant union protection, lifetime employment and pensions. Papers like the Sacramento Bee bragged to new hires in the 1980s that even during the Great Depression, the paper had never laid off journalists.
Sorry, but the country doesn't need that intermediary anymore.
You enjoy what you did with that freedom.
But the advertising guys also claimed they ruled the roost, and they were right.
Even when they don't bring in the money anymore.

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