Saturday, March 8, 2014

They don't like it

What's the simple explanation for Obamacare's failure to corral the uninsured into policies?
They don't like it.
I believe they are not buying it because the premium––even net of the subsidies––is too much for plans that have deductibles that are too high. Consulting firm Avalere has put the average Silver Plan deductible at $2,567 and the average Bronze Plan deductible at $4,545. People are often being asked to pay hundreds of dollars per month in premium, net of subsidies, and they don't see the value.
There are three weeks left in the open enrollment that has already afforded people the months of December, January, February, and soon to be all of March, to take a good look at Obamacare and decide whether it is a good buy for them or not.
Starting in April, when the final numbers are in, I hope we can have a meaningful conversation over how to fix the new health insurance reform law that is clearly not working.

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