Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Vanuatu memories

The Other McCain, bummed by the withdrawal of Rick Santorum from the GOP race, lays down his marker.
Yesterday, after Rick Santorum quit, my 13-year-old son Jefferson asked, “Does this mean I have to stop bad-mouthing Mitt Romney?”
“Yeah,” I said. “It doesn’t mean you have to start good-mouthing him, but you have to stop bad-mouthing him.”
Then I went on to explain that, having been saddled with a nominee whom we had opposed with all our might, we cannot be held responsible for the inevitable disaster. Therefore, on Wednesday, Nov. 7, we will be ready to demand an accounting from those responsible.
I'm hopeful - no matter how bad Romney may look, that people will check the gas station before voting and remember it's Obama's watch.
I've always said the Republican wins in a landslide, with maybe 10 states going for Obama. We'll see if Romney can bring it home in November.

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