Saturday, January 29, 2011

Instapundit - the Johnny Carson of the digital age

I'm gearing up for my appearance on DaTech Guy's radio program Saturday night.
Why am I, a lowly blogger from central Virginia, getting the air time in Massachusetts? DaTech Guy asked for some content ideas for his new show back in December and I sent him an email. He asked me to be a guest - along with American Glob - and that's providing content.
I've enjoyed reading DaTech Guy's stuff over the past year, since I found him when the Other McCain headed north for the Scott Brown special election. Now, I consider him "The Fedora-topped embodiment of the Tea Party movement."
Look at his story. This time last year, he's a guy looking for a job to support his family. Now, through his hard work, he's supporting the family with a radio show, articles on the internet and some help from Instapundit.
His one-hour of radio time expands to two in February. Instapundit appeared on the show two weeks ago, and often links DaTech Guy's good work. (And hopefully he'll link a note about this week's broadcast sometime Saturday evening). That got me thinking about Instalanches.
Like Johnny Carson in his late night career, Instapundit can be the kingmaker for bloggers. Comics would hone their craft for a chance to get on the Tonight Show, and hope that Johnny would call them over to sit on the couch. Just a minute with Carson could launch a career - it showed you had real potential.
Just ask some who sat on Johnny Carson's couch after a stand-up bit - Jerry Seinfeld, David Letterman, Jay Leno.
There's so many bloggers out there, hoping their insight gets noticed. Many toil away in their own areas, and an Insta-lanche gives hope. A series of Insta-lanche can show they've arrived.
DaTech Guy's hard work has him moving up. His base in Fitchburg isn't far from New Hampshire, where Republican candidates will be flooding in a few short months. Who's going to be the first to advertise on DaTech Guy's show, or appear as a guest?
I'll be there Saturday. Just riding in the wake of hits from Instapundit and DaTech Guy.
UPDATE: Instapundit links. DaTech Guy links and will have the podcast up from the show in a few days.
UPDATE2: Because Johnny Carson is much better than Ben Bernanke.


Anonymous said...

Comparing Insty to Johnny Carson has prompted Glenn to consider coming out with a line of suits. Please encourage him to release designer pajamas instead.

Anonymous said...

All trying to emulate Drudge. . . he's years ahead of his time in so many ways!

Sarah Rolph said...

I think that's a great comparison!

Kyube said...

Sucking up to Glenn is always a great way to get links.