Sunday, January 24, 2010

Finally, Massachusetts Joins Right-thinking Americans

The lesson for the week? Big numbers work for trucks, not for Congressional legislation. Our roundup celebrates Scott Brown's joining the Senate. And his truck having over 200,000 miles.
Stacy's back from Massachusetts and Smitty's back from a retreat, making sure all is right with the world.
Pat celebrates getting a new laptop, so her roundup will be even better now.
Wyblog posts his roundup on Thursday, and Ruby Slippers joins the Thursday revolution.
Carol takes a bite out of the blogosphere with her roundup.
Camp of the Saints focused on the election.
Da Tech Guy hears from a commenter who understands Scott Brown.
Naked Villiany bids Conan O'Brien a fond farewell.
Pundette looks at more bad news for the President.
Troglopundit questions the list at
American Power tells about the heavy rains in Long Beach Thursday. Fishersville gets the system Sunday.
Paco celebrates Australia Day.
Dustbury finds an interesting pair of shoes.
Daley Gator finds out who's crazy about a sharp dressed man.
Grandpa John lists the President's path of destruction.
Legal Insurrection remembers some good insight.
Scaramouchee finds a new song for "Obama, the Musical."
Another Black Conservative features a grumpy old man.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Make sure to chill in the winter weather.

1 comment:

Bob Belvedere said...

Thanks for the linky love.