Thursday, September 10, 2009

My first 9/11 post

I started this blog late last October, so it's my first time to talk about Sept. 11, 2001.
My boys and I talked about it a little on the way to baseball tonight. I told them that the Friday after 9/11, I got two hours off at the time of the memorial at Washington Cathedral.
What to do with the time. My boys were both in preschool near work, so I went over there to spend time with them. The oldest was 4, so I joined his lunch until they went down for nap time.
Then it was down to the infants' room, where my youngest was seven-months old. I sat on the floor, holding him in my lap and hoping for better days.
They are now old enough to start understanding about what happened that day. The youngest said they should wear red, white and blue to school Friday.
I still look at my boys with pride and love, and hope for better days.

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