Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How much do I get for Phil?

Yankee Phil highlights info from the White House trying to find sources of "disinformation" about health care reform.
Looking for disinformation? Check -
1. The White House
2. House of Representatives (any Democrat will do)
3. NBC
4. ABC
5. CBS
6. CNN
8. A congressional town hall meeting, if you can find one.
It says send info to flag@whitehouse.gov. I always liked Colonel Flagg in MASH and I'm glad he found a new gig.


Cargosquid said...

Now THAT was a clever tie in....

Very nice.

Don't forget to email the White House about that suspicious health care info on the internet. I think that there is a pdf somewhere. Google Obama Health care bill. I'm sure you can find it. Send the entire pdf.

Unknown said...

Cargo, theymight have to read it then. Why would we want that in US? Informed Executive? INSANE ! ! !